maychan November 7, 2016 5:54 pm

what I like in this: the characters, the Uka at first is a kick ass that will kill the one's who hurt him for once and the art.
what I didn't like: while the guys that suppose to be much older, don't look that old at all. they just look big and sexy what pisses me off! Hitoshi can be a huge moron while asking the guy he loves the most to trust the asshole, Hibiki, he know that just say some fuck up shit to him. and he know he fucking did it!!! it fucking stupid! he should have just get rid of him then, but nooo....the plot have to had this asshole around to make it a Tragedy, how convenient from the plot.
more that I hate in this mange the dead come back has ghosts to mass around cause no reason make it even more sad and tragic. okay that fucking stupid!! I hate this shit.
and a last thing I really wanted in this mange instead, that the brother of the asshole Hibiki will die and to see the twisted son of bitch reaction. now that would have been great! then again, I don't think Hibiki would really care that much if his brother died, but it still would have been interesting. but I guess it doesn't really matter. so I don't mind that one, but I really wanted to see his reaction! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

maychan November 6, 2016 6:13 pm

god that annoy me a little. but Aya with his partner were super cute! so...I forgive this mange for it's terrible main couple!

maychan October 31, 2016 11:11 pm

God damn it I hate Shima and Bon now, I shouldn't have read the mange! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 (︶︿︶)=凸

    demon13o November 8, 2016 8:38 pm

    Don't hate Bon, he's got a good heart >: He's just a bit mislead damn Lightening...

    maychan November 9, 2016 12:26 am
    Don't hate Bon, he's got a good heart >: He's just a bit mislead damn Lightening... demon13o

    the thing's not him I hate, it's more like what become of him. and with no good reason he become light slave. it just..really disappoint me from him! and this is why I don't like him now, I just don't -.- and I hate this feeling! I like him so much before I read this mange.

    demon13o November 9, 2016 2:19 am

    Now that I understand, let's hope things get better so you can like Bon again o /

    maychan November 9, 2016 7:17 am
    Now that I understand, let's hope things get better so you can like Bon again o / demon13o

    it won't change for me, the damage already been done. there is no going back from this point. I really hate Bon now, and what become of him with no good reason ( ̄へ ̄)

    maychan January 10, 2017 3:32 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Tyik Myik

    lol I know right? XDDD

maychan September 16, 2016 8:34 pm

I will put this mange has hantai, I don't see any difference between them. and this was boring, unless you into seeing rape shit with no plot.

    veera.xv September 21, 2016 2:44 am

    r u a first time harada sensei reader ?

    maychan September 23, 2016 10:46 pm
    r u a first time harada sensei reader ? veera.xv

    yeas but I seen how hantei mange look before XD let's say it the same in my eyes.

    aluminium March 7, 2017 11:51 pm
    r u a first time harada sensei reader ? veera.xv

    Nice conclusion LOL

maychan September 4, 2016 12:05 am

omg the new chapters 18-19, I kind like the work she did 0-0 help people sleep! never heard about this job in my life, but it would have been so cool if it was real. a shame the ending was too rush. and that pedophile, do no one is going to do anything about this guy?!!! like really?!! they just going to let him go around free and stalk poor kids ?!! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) and his sister such a poor girl! why does she keep living with this creep?! no joke, I would have run away! I know the mange use him has a joke, but it really wasn't funny! it was disturbing! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    abthurd April 15, 2018 5:37 pm

    hey this is late. idk if you played an otome game before, but if you searched there is an otome game that sets with this sleeping business. Apparently I think it might be some sort of business there though I'm not sure how far it is. Just to let you know the otome really puts you to sleep with the guy that you chose. He lullabies you and reads you story.

maychan August 30, 2016 12:51 pm

you know what I really hate in this mange? I think it a really realistic mange that write good, but I really hated the manger of the whore house, the one that didn't let the Sema buy him cause "you have no shame" - FUCK YOU!! what the hell you know about FUCKING SHAME?!!! has much has he say "don't judge us." but he has a right to judge the doctor that wanted to save him?!!! fuck you! I would fucking judge you, disgusting asshole!! (︶︿︶)=凸 (︶︿︶)=凸 has much I know this mange is good and was writing well, it still pisses me off the Uke needed to sleep with stranger for money! hate this business so much!!!

maychan August 29, 2016 1:31 am

let me guess, the angel is going to be rape too? ( ̄へ ̄) yap, almost every character in this mange getting rape or torture with no reason only cause their parents sucks! or...well cause it just happen out of no where. and the main couple, HE COULD JUST MAKE THAT KID COME BACK TO LIFE YOU IDIOT!!!

    Crewedka August 30, 2016 2:01 pm

    Well, as for the angel: SPOILERS BELOW!!!!

    You have right. He will be raper by a demon :( Also Jya will rip off one od his wings... :(

    maychan August 30, 2016 11:08 pm
    Well, as for the angel: SPOILERS BELOW!!!!You have right. He will be raper by a demon :( Also Jya will rip off one od his wings... :( Crewedka

    yeas like a lot of characters in this mange, if you notice. it annoying, if they think I cry every time they abuse the "rape"/"torture" subject with no reason, then the wrong. I just won't care anymore (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    maychan August 30, 2016 11:09 pm
    yeas like a lot of characters in this mange, if you notice. it annoying, if they think I cry every time they abuse the "rape"/"torture" subject with no reason, then the wrong. I just won't care anymore (づ ̄ ... maychan

    then they wrong*

maychan August 23, 2016 8:11 pm

I just read the new translate chapter, shit is going down! omg, oh shit! I can't wait to see what would happen. I like his father then the guy he was dating that look his father, god he so annoying! I don't even know why he so annoy me -.-

    Lilly August 23, 2016 9:05 pm

    I thought I was the only one who thought of the "Lover" as freaking annoying.(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Some perv' August 24, 2016 6:56 pm

    He's such a crybaby. And it was so rude of him to out Ryuu's feeling like that.He was very happy to fuck him until now using his face similar to the dad's as a way to seduce him,but suddenly he's "disgusting"? lmao,what a joke

    Pacgirl August 24, 2016 8:30 pm

    Gosh I was trying to think why I found him annoying too. xD
    I think Some perv' sums it up quite nicely.

maychan July 14, 2016 12:59 am

in the end of this, I didn't feel like the Seme really care that much or know what it's mean to have only one girlfriend/boyfriend. I just didn't feel he care that much, even if the mange "said" he was in his "own twisted way" love him. the saying "Hi friend, let's try and have sex." felt so stupid.

    Akane July 13, 2016 11:34 pm

    Sorry I am sorry but I couldn't bare it anymore seeing the mistake you make. ┗( T﹏T )┛ So um... your Sama is not spelled right. It is seme...

    maychan July 14, 2016 12:57 am
    Sorry I am sorry but I couldn't bare it anymore seeing the mistake you make. ┗( T﹏T )┛ So um... your Sama is not spelled right. It is seme... Akane

    thanks ^^

    Btw July 14, 2016 1:03 am
    Sorry I am sorry but I couldn't bare it anymore seeing the mistake you make. ┗( T﹏T )┛ So um... your Sama is not spelled right. It is seme... Akane

    Should be "bear" not "bare" btw.

    Akane July 14, 2016 4:43 am
    Should be "bear" not "bare" btw. @Btw

    I forgot to use which bear/bare to use! hahaha because right now it is summer vacation for me and i am forgetting my learning!!(⌒▽⌒)

maychan July 3, 2016 7:35 pm

I have a lot to say about this, and it can have spoilers to the mange! so you were warn, and keep in mind all what I have to say is my personal opinion - personal! you don't have to agree with me. as always, I like to complain about things. and I really picky, but I also say some good things.
First point, the main character was a little more balance and well build in character from most I seen. at last in shoujo anyway, and I like that the main character actually have Consequences after doing something stupid. you would think most mange will put consequences to their character's, but nope. most of them won't do it. what is kind of stupid but well that's how it is. the problem with this is that most consequences will only happen to the main heroine and not the main villain, like nothing will hurt the villain, Nothing! no matter how many people she killed, or how much evil she is, nothing will happen to her. even in the end, her son can't even kill her cause of Keil shitty system. yeas I get that it is a good system but the fact is she never die!! like really?! are you fucking kidding me?!
Another annoying big thing in this mange is the kidnapping that happen TOO MANY TIMES! like every week Yuri is going to get kidnap by some guy that full in love with her and want to or fuck her or to marry her. What become really annoying after a while. it's like the Author didn't have any other idea to keep the plot going other then kidnap. what make me want to stop reading this mange many times! and the gang of man that full in love with her and find a reason to kidnap her, it's like there is no other good women to love other than her in this time what was really stupid. lat's see Kiel, kiel bro, the prince of darkness, Rusafa, Ramesses. that's already four man that kidnap her at last once from different reasons. and most the character's that died were my favorite Nino, Ursula (she grow so much has a character and was much more fun to see), Rusafa like die for nothing cause her son was going to kill her. Nino death at last show Yuri not to be so reckless, but Ursula died for nothing! it didn't do anything to the villain and it didn't change the fact that someone else killed the king anyway. so it was pointless and annoying to read. and the scene that Kiel and Ramesses fight in the middle of the war was the most funny, stupid and pointless fight I have ever seen! XD and no there wasn't any sense in this scene's. but it was hot to see them fight naked, soo hot! I could ship them, but I won't do that to Kiel poor guy XD and the most annoying guy in this mange goes too Ramesses, I didn't see such annoying, disgusting behavior obsessed man for a long time. well I did seen his type that just like to use women has his tool before, like Koga from inuyasha, but unlike Koga that change and learn something and become lass and lass into her. Ramesses will never get the clue that she don't love him, he will use anything to use her like a tool, no matter what her feelings is. even in the end he wanted to get to her family by using his son to marry her kids, which was stupid but whatever.
so I really won't have mind if he died! if the Author think I care about him cause of the claim he is a "Good leader like Kiel" which technically is bullshit, well it didn't work for me. I didn't hate the prince of darkness as much I hate Ramesses, what is not good at all. has for Nafretiri that show up has much more of a bitch then Ramesses, ohh please, she wasn't that bad like this mange make her be, Ramesses wasn't much batter then her. he was in the same level of her, annoying asshole that should just go away! has for the main Villain, I appreciate the fact the Author try to make us feel a little bad for her, but I didn't care. no matter what her story is, I just wanted her to die already what didn't happen case of some justice shit or whatever! that was annoying has fuck! even her son could not kill her. oh not forget, the extra chapter there Yuri is twelve and look like a kid 14-15 - was totally bullshit!! sorry Author san, but there is a limit of how much stupid a story can be, and don't expect me to believe Yuri never get a little older after so much time cause it's bullshit!
Other than that, I LIKE how Yuri grown up has a character and become stronger and much more able to fight then Kiel, you can't find it in those mange usually. and that she actually get pregnant from unsafe sex, again, I seen many stupid mange's that the guy can have unlimited and unsafe sex with the girl, and she NEVER GET PREGNANT. what is stupid, but this mange actually more realistic in this part from soo many stupid mange's I seen around. (⌒▽⌒)(⌒▽⌒)(⌒▽⌒)

    meian July 5, 2016 3:28 pm

    first i agree with moust off the things you sayd, you have the names spell wrong, i got confussed couple of times... but i juts feel the author just wanted to make us see another point of view...personally i think she write it quiet wonderfully.. as i never see another manga , thats has such a complete story... with queen dowager nakia not dying or having any punishment made to her is just how things are in real life... they just never get punished for doing such horrible things... it just prub that kail and yuuri are nothing like her.. and that they will change the course of story... as another tip i do not think things be like that on egypt either,i just think that these way off telling the story suited better for the author to use..i enjoyed it much more these way.. shows more then one aspect to the story.. make us think and doubt about the truth in the story we know.. at least a bit..i doubt i will ever read another story like these one..and i certainly do not want to encounter such athing.. these is a pure and unique story.. and is worth for every one to read, as for a personal point of view.. i think i didnt liked that tito wasnt expecting her on the gates of the nergal.. but all the others did.. even mali was there.. but not tito, that was something i missed there.. but i do respect ur point of view, and agree with moust of it

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