maychan December 16, 2016 9:25 pm

so basically we going to get all Ellie and Pain backstory now with no stop. well at least Shell is super cute!! still I can't help but see Ellie has one hypocrite ass more then "helping" everyone.
he promise humpty that will be with him when he actually just use him for his research. damn, that dark! no wonder he hate him so much. yeas he was kind to him, but this very kindness without meaning is the worse blow you can give for someone who already try to kill himself. it way worse then just be cruel to him from the start.
I wonder how much he even care for Shell at any time in this comic, since he just betray Pain and be with other people. Pain was fucking his master!! yeas Pain wasn't perfect, but at least he give him freedom. and he use that to play around with others. geez! and I thought humpty was bad!
I wonder what Ellie thought about Shell wanting to protect him and grow up fast, to me it was soo adorable!!! awww
anyway, interesting backstory. still want to see what Shell in the future will do now (⌒▽⌒)

    BackDatAssOps December 16, 2016 11:12 pm

    So you think Ellie was part of this kidnapping thing? Or do you know that

    Anonymous December 17, 2016 12:04 am

    Uh, oh, yes, so nice that Pain 'gave Ellie freedom' when he and his kind are the ones that took it from the human Arts in the first place.

    Being kind is a crime, now? Then Pain also committed a crime. And while Ellie was with other people, he was not fucking them, yet Pain was. And somehow being with other people is ALSO a crime yet with Pain it's not, even though he's *also fucking* them?

    Sounds pretty much like hypocrisy to me.

    And did you actually read the manga or just find what you could that would bolster your victim blaming? See I believe it was mentioned that Ellie's previous master disposed of him. Perhaps the reason the previous master disposed of him had something to do with the reason why he is searching for a way to get around the pheromones? And Humpty Dumpty wasn't all that good of a person, either. You DO know that the 'dregs' he was talking about were human beings... right? And, of course, looking for a way to protect other humans is never a good thing... is it?


    maychan December 17, 2016 1:07 am
    Uh, oh, yes, so nice that Pain 'gave Ellie freedom' when he and his kind are the ones that took it from the human Arts in the first place. Being kind is a crime, now? Then Pain also committed a crime. And wh... @Anonymous

    wow buddy calm down. well first, I never said this society is good did I? there is l hate and discrimination and people that support those crap in this comic.

    but again, Pain wasn't prefect. he live in "this" society, he was tutor in "this" society just like Shell was. the one question is how he use it in his life? and for his credit, he was much more nicer to Ellie when he could just rape him, torture him (like he was tutor he should do) and tie him up. I don't see why he won't do that if he was allowed to and it "seem" like it give him honor or some shit like that in other vampire's eyes. but he choose not to do that. he hesitate to touch him, what I found very interesting. and they did have some kind of bound, DENY IT all you want! but this society is cruel to both of them.

    I didn't say kindness is bad, I said if you going to try and save someone while promise things you can't keep and be kind to him and make him love you, only to go with other people (his girlfriend) then he should not do that from the first place! just don't! cause it way worse!!!

    I was thinking how to answer the second paragraph, but I mostly talk about Ellie girlfriend and how it seem in their society. while you can ignore it, I think it only fair he should have been honest with Pain, if he didn't love him. while Pain, do you think he care much about who he sleep with? really? XD he just doing what he "should" do in "this" kind of society. which is make children with women he don't give a crap about, what is really sad in my eyes!! but hi, it just me XD

    I said Ellie seem to me like an hypocrite cause he said he will stay and support someone, while he didn't do that in the end. it felt like an empty promises in the end! wow is playing house really mean he was with him?? okay whatever. if he was going to act kind, at last he should follow his own promises and stay with him until the end!!! but what is done is done, it is their past and I still think Humpty Dumpty become a very bad and dangerous person.

    all the humans in this society are victims, I never said they wasn't. but Ellie seem to act and promise things he will never really Fulfill. or that how it seem to me. then again Pain never told him how he felt either, but it was kind of obvious by now. and I think Ellie already know about it too. also, this society see it has a betrayal from Ellie part to be with other vampire then his master. not say they right, but at least he should try to hide it better XD or run away from the start with her.

    I never said Humpty Dumpty was good, but it was better if someone won't give him "hope" that he stay with him forever while wanting to run with someone else that he love. he promise that he will stay with him, and yeas he took it in the full meaning only to crash it latter and be with his girlfriend and make a child. I don't say don't be with the women you love, but at lest don't Pretend you be with someone you don't care enough or even want a romantic thing with while Ellie never wanted anything romantic with him! that way worse!!! and again, he did try to commit suicide so...his mind will take it very badly. again, Humpty Dumpty took a big risk to help Ellie, and even if it a crime to use them, he will do it cause he was so much in love with him. it just show how much he love Ellie and how much he accept the rules of that society. so he wasn't such a bad horrible guy at first. and I don't think Ellie cared that much he use humans either soo....yap XD

    the different in our Opinions is that I don't think Ellie come from the point of view "I protect only the humans cause vampire's are bad" nor "I protect the humans from the vampire". Ellie all his life was trying to accept not only the human race but also the vampire race. and see them has "okay, both of them born Innocent and pure" what I found much more interesting then to pick one side and said the other is the bad one. but again, in the end he promise things he can't keep! and do things that thought will "help" but in their reality only hurt them. so...but then again Ellie was very young so to be a little selfish is not a bad thing.

    I didn't say Pain was good but at last he try too from all this crap society. and Shell, well, Shell is just Shell XD I don't know if Ellie cared about him, cause it said Ellie left him!! it a fact! so...I just don't know ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    maychan December 17, 2016 1:18 am
    So you think Ellie was part of this kidnapping thing? Or do you know that BackDatAssOps

    the kidnapping of humpty? or the kidnapping of Eric??
    if you talking about the kidnapping of Humpty Dumpty, no I don't think so. Ellie was too busy with his girlfriend ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    BackDatAssOps December 17, 2016 5:42 am


maychan December 13, 2016 12:38 am

So I still the only one not shipping Hanmi with her brother, yay (=・ω・=)well not the only one, maybe me and three people more LOL
I still see their relationship has much more family like brother and sister, very much then lovers. more brother and sister kind of way.
Yay and the twisted ex show up, finally! and he didn't disappointed me at all, he is has twisted has we can get just like I thought he would. yap he so going to ruin her life now! XD and the pain in the ass lil brother of Gun show up and going to be used by him, well that's just great. I kind of want those two pain in the ass end up together now, they deserve each other, her ex and Gun bro. both annoying (≧∀≦)

maychan December 9, 2016 12:45 pm

can we take a moments to appreciate how much cute and adorable Shell was when he was 5?!! ヾ(☆▽☆) omg I just want to hug and protect this baby!!! awww ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ I kind of want to see what happen in the future already, but I guess we have to wait for that.

    euigen December 9, 2016 2:23 pm

    Sorry hit the wrong button

maychan December 9, 2016 12:29 pm

those stupid misunderstandings, and the stupid plan of making someone who don't even notice you jealous was the most stupid plan ever!! why Gun can't even be clear when he say he like someone?!! really?!! how much stupid can a guy get?!!! wasting so much time on fake's dates while liking someone else, this thing could have been avoided if they just talk about it honesty. Gun lil brother is a just a pain in the ass, and has much I like how strong the heroine is she still pisses me off how much stupid she is sometimes with no good reason!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 it feel like they waste more then 10 chapters on a stupid ass misunderstandings that won't go anywhere! grrrr what a waste....I maybe the only one that feeling this way, but I don't see the girl and her step bro has lovers. I just...don't! if they become lovers all of sudden for real, I drop this! #-.-)

    Boo_1998 December 9, 2016 5:29 pm

    I agree, all i can say is that i really hope that this bad guy from their old school is worth all this crap, i hope there is a good story behind that and not some more missunderstandings.

    Also about the brother and sister, in one chapter it hints that thier relationship had gone a bit weird before they transferred and that they where only just getting back to normal, i seriously hope they dont turn that in to some romantic thing

    maychan December 9, 2016 9:12 pm
    I agree, all i can say is that i really hope that this bad guy from their old school is worth all this crap, i hope there is a good story behind that and not some more missunderstandings. Also about the brother... Boo_1998

    I"m so happy I"m not along with this opinion. I hope so too and I"m very curies about her ex from her past and how much twisted he is and in what way he is twisted. and hope Gun grow has a character a little bit more.

    I seen the hints and that what worry's me, I don't see their relationship right now has a romantic or sexual at all. and I kind of want it to stay that way! cause it feel more neutral for them to be that way, brother and sister, at last I think so while reading this story.

    Boo_1998 December 10, 2016 4:17 am
    I"m so happy I"m not along with this opinion. I hope so too and I"m very curies about her ex from her past and how much twisted he is and in what way he is twisted. and hope Gun grow has a character a little b... maychan

    YES!! exactly. i feel that way too. Also i think Gun has a long way to go in character building, right now he just seems like a lovable puppy, i also hope that there is a good reason for guns brothers to be such an ass, and not just that he got hurt but gun didnt or something.

    I Love Fried Chicken!!! December 12, 2016 9:15 am
    YES!! exactly. i feel that way too. Also i think Gun has a long way to go in character building, right now he just seems like a lovable puppy, i also hope that there is a good reason for guns brothers to be suc... Boo_1998

    I agree but it's fine otherwise we won't have such interesting manwha to read. Just chuck it to character flaw

    Boo_1998 December 12, 2016 11:50 am
    I agree but it's fine otherwise we won't have such interesting manwha to read. Just chuck it to character flaw @I Love Fried Chicken!!!

    Yes but it would be that much more amazing if by the time it is completed they have properly solved everything for everyone in the Manhwa, no half assed endings

    maychan December 13, 2016 12:27 am
    I agree but it's fine otherwise we won't have such interesting manwha to read. Just chuck it to character flaw @I Love Fried Chicken!!!

    let me just say this, a misunderstandings build up on more stupid misunderstandings is not interesting plot to me, it torture to read cause they could just solve everything so easily from the very start! and it feel stupid for me. misunderstanding not always build a good plot either, a good plot is a balance story that not go easy on the character and still solve things. and that don't need misunderstandings to move forward but grow even better after all the misunderstandings is solve. not easy to do, but exist.

maychan December 7, 2016 1:21 am

so my theory is this, from the start it didn't make sense, Law behavior was unstable just like Jesse was thinking at first. and no one sane to ask about. there is the intranet but even this is not fully free in this mansion. so some of the things Jesse see is his real trauma and some of them are just add up and delete latter. that the only explanation of what's is going on. I still don't trust Law, from the start I thought "great, he so enjoy to control him and to drive him insane." what isn't wrong from what we see until now. I would guess next time he wake up again in some place else. cause that machine drive his brain to half madness already. has for his reason, well he don't seem to hate the idea of having full control over him in every second, maybe Jesse was a control freak in the past too and that was drive Law insane. also, he said at the very start "you can have your revenge" or something like that, revenge on what? on who? my guess Law did something he know Jesse can't never forgive him about, and just waiting for Jesse to figure it out and kill him. pretty sad but very interesting manga!!! I live detective manga like this!! it so much fun ヾ(☆▽☆)(⌒▽⌒)

maychan December 3, 2016 7:56 pm

haha that so cute!!! can't get enough from Goh and Taki XDDD they so awesome together! (≧∀≦)

maychan December 3, 2016 7:06 pm

all the pain and cheap drama could have been spared from us if those two main idiots would just be honest with their real feelings and not go to have sex with everyone has solution to everything, cause sometimes sex is not the solution. wow is it so hard to get?!! really?!!
even if he was in pain, you don't need to run to have sex! ( ̄へ ̄) so this mange annoy me but the ending was okay so whatever ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I guess. it more remind me of a cheap Cliche Shoujo mange's.

    Anonymous February 15, 2017 8:43 pm

    Really? So you like unrealistic actually cliched (because this kind of situation often happens in manga, whether or NOT it's yaoi or shoujo, but it usually ends up with the person NOT sleeping with another man/woman AND saving yourself for the person you love IS a cliche while actually TRYING to forget your first love is not, in ANY way. Thanks) manga, i guess.... Each to their own.... Just don't try to confuse the two, next time, okey, dokey...?

    maychan February 16, 2017 2:16 am
    Really? So you like unrealistic actually cliched (because this kind of situation often happens in manga, whether or NOT it's yaoi or shoujo, but it usually ends up with the person NOT sleeping with another man... @Anonymous

    yeas cause sex is the solution to everything in life, LOL ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ yap NO! sometimes, it's not. really, sometimes.

maychan December 2, 2016 8:27 pm

this was so odd!! I don't know why I read this, but I like the other couple. they were cute gaku and gou so adorable.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anonymous April 27, 2017 4:12 pm

    i love gaku and gou too! arent they some precious cinnamon rolls? gou raises his own seme to his liking huh?

    maychan April 28, 2017 1:06 am
    i love gaku and gou too! arent they some precious cinnamon rolls? gou raises his own seme to his liking huh? @Anonymous

    yap totally (≧∀≦)

maychan November 30, 2016 11:47 pm

it's not that I hate the plot, I like the idea very much!! and I just LOVE the art of this! I adore the colors and the style and the art! it really beautiful. even if the style of one or two panels at a time was a little annoying at first. what make me angry is the main guy, I suppose to want them to end up together at the end but I ending up feeling the opposite in this story, what is really bad!. I just don't feel I want to cheer for Go Siwon like I did at first, especially after the all "you disgusting" he scream at him. that was just crossing a red line!! I don't care, that wasn't cool or good character for him. it really disappoint me. and again, how hard it is to just TALK out about this!!!? it not so hard!! and not scream or hit the other, talk about it! this story making their Inability to communicate to look ridiculous. what is really sad! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

maychan November 11, 2016 10:19 pm

I don't know what to say about this, it's not a bad story. it's good, but I don' just felt like only one guy in this actually trying and doing all the chasing after the other. I get it's part of the story but...Idk, it still felt one side is more into it. and too much abuse not really mean that love can fix everything, but I guess the end kind of show it, so I won't complain ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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