I kind of ship Simon and Ian together a lot (⊙…⊙ ) I know it won't happen but I can dream right? there is nothing wrong with dreaming. damn, they so cute together as children!

are you for real? I see Ian wanted to protect Simon and for that, he wanted to become perfect is very romantic! and they have A LOT of chemistry, Ian wants to see Simon smile again awwww again you can say they mostly brothers. but I ship it, not going to say you have to agree. just explain where I'm coming from ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ take has you will

Can't say I didn't see it coming, but I still wish Cain would change with Edward's help. but naa, he becomes a trash kidnapper that doesn't listen to anyone but himself and refuses to change! It a shame cause he could have been such a good character ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
then again I hated him ever since his fight with Edward soooo... ( ̄∇ ̄")

I'm soo proud of Yoon, it was a hard decision but he did what was best for him. yeas it is heartbreaking, but what Seme is doing to him is wrong and twisted in a way. it's true he helps him get over his heartbreak but at the same time, he also hurt him a lot with his bs mix signals game. so I'm glad he end this twisted thing, he may or may not move on but at least he can take his time and heal by himself. it is better that way T_T
Yoon there will never be anyone like you, ever! not in a million years, Tea missed out gold that called Yoon and he could never get him back! and I don't feel sorry for Tea, he did his mistakes and now he has to live them! Yoon is just too kind to people who hurt him a lot. I just want Yoon to find happiness in his life now.