Hey there. I came here because the number of people who recommended this manhwa to have "consensual", "healthy", and "accurate" representation of BDSM is quite concerning. While, yes, this is just a fictional story and the portrayal of BDSM shouldn't be 100% accurate, I believe that people who are digesting such content should be educated of what a Safe, Sane, and Consensual (SSC) BDSM is like. That being said, I’m not here to solely find faults in this work and the like, but rather, I would like to provide everyone an insight of how BDSM should be by enumerating some of the red flags I have seen in this manhwa :)

Common misconception: BDSM is always about/leads to sex.
   BDSM doesn’t have to be sexual in nature. Although, some people’s kinky relationships and BDSM play are focused on sex, the types of relationships included under the BDSM umbrella are plentiful. For some, it’s a way to reach catharsis or a heightened state, and no sexual contact is involved. Some people practice kink with their romantic and sexual partners, and other people practice it with friends who they’re not attracted to.
An example of a nonsexual BDSM is: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/the_sensual_m/

Ch2 pg3: The translator’s note that says sub=bottom, dom=top
   The submissive role is not limited to the one being penetrated. Likewise, the dominant role is not limited to the one penetrating. A bottom can be dominant, and a top can be submissive. See this list: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/603799/

Ch3: The dom and the ‘assumed’ sub
   BDSM is NOT SPONTANEOUS and it usually DOESN'T OCCUR BETWEEN STRANGERS. In real life BDSM, everything is negotiated first. In a good kink relationship, the parties go in knowing their limits (or with a plan for figuring them out), and trusting that those limits will be respected. Many kink venues have a safeword, and they always know that if they call that word, the play will immediately stop. Even when people participate in pick-up play (similar to what the uke was doing, which is engaging in kinky pastimes with folks they’ve just met) there is a conversation first.

Ch3,4: The dom established the rules ON HIS OWN while the play was about to start.
   Like what I mentioned above, at a SEPARATE TIME, the people who will be taking part in the BDSM play should go EVERY detail to openly discuss things (like what plays are ok, not ok, soft limits, hard limits, etc) IN ADVANCE. The dom/sub just doesn't come up with rules RIGHT ON THE SPOT. You just don't go slap the person and say "oops I forgot to tell you. I can hurt you all I want for sexual pleasure, just say the safeword if you don't like it". Nope. The ‘assumed’ sub didn't even have a say on that. The people involved should also keep in mind that the things discussed can change at any time. If not all, then most of the things that were discussed will be included in a BDSM contract.

These are just some I have found. If I were to enumerate ALL then that would be too long HAHA And as I’ve read along, the plot and the plays do improve. So, I totally understand where y’all are coming from. As I said above, I just want you all to be provided with an insight of what an SSC BDSM should be :)

Hmm if I were to recommend a closely SSC one, then I highly recommend this http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/aporia/
And If you are interested in learning more or have some curious questions about BDSM, ask Squibbles! She’s a bisexual dom with 10+ years experience ;>
2021-05-15 23:28 marked

Yo, I am here as reader of the novel because I've seen many people throwing spoilers (and not seen scenes of the novel) and dirt to Lucius but not really contextualize them; that's what happen when you just ONLY read the spoilers. And If you mess with the husbando of my waifu, you are messing with her happiness and, therefore, with me. Also, It's an important part of the message of the novel to understand this development xd

First, 3 wives because it's the easiest, some comprehend some not. Yeah, he married them and I have seen a lot of people hating this. Understandable, have a nice day. No married person shouldn't be with another, that's cheating and Paulina does not deserve that. But, we need to look at the reasons 'Why Lucius marry them? And what did Lucius after marry them?' Lucius marry them for political reasons; If you do not see it, let me explain. Lucius in the manwha has shown that he is not conquering the continent because he wants power, but because he thinks it is the right thing for stopping the wars. At the same time, he knows this dream will cost a lot, many lives and time of his soldiers (Manwha: ch. 34). Marriage is a contract to secure territories, because they easily can do a revolution even though Lucius treat them fairly. It's a way to protect and not let all the sacrifices being in vain. He also needs to marry to establish his position, he knows his position in weak even in Acrea (Manwha: ch. 54) so he needs to do what it's need to do. That's a ruling, sometimes you can't be a moralist. Does he act on Paulina while married? He does not because he respects he's wives and loves Paulina, he bites his tongue and tries to forget her (Manwha: ch. 101). In the novel he explores that If women in his time can only gain power out of marriage, he will be a good husband and give them everything as he can as the emperor. He treats them fairly even though he does not love them and neither them. It's not the ideal situation to his feeling to Paulina, but it's his obligations as who went for war of 10 years.

"The why he does not maker his concubine?" Out of respect, my kind stranger. He loves her (oh, how much he simps) and he can't control that and is one of the thing he wants to do (ch. 45), but also he's aware that Paulina just don't look at him in that way in this moment. He knows that If he makes her his concubine; Paulina will say yes out of duty, not for love in this very moment in the manwha. Even more, he will strip her of something he knows she values a lot; Her title as Marquess and power, something for she fought a lot. Concubine is not the same as Queen, there's difference in power. Not only If he makes her his concubine she will not love him, she could easily hate him out of spite for taking away something he know is precious to her. Isn't love about desire the happiness of the other more than your own? Sometimes he acts out of jealousy I will admit (Manwha: ch. 107, great example), but he never tells Paulina 'you can't do that', he just does dumb things like any person who is in love. Jealousy is irrational (and it was for the sake of comedy, lol) but Lucius will accept Paulina marrying another guy because he saw her happy, he does it with Doctor in the novel. What more can he do? He will of course investigate to be sure Paulina will be happy, and discover that he is a snake and tell Paulina to let her take her OWN decisions about the situation. "Why doesn't he just change the law?" He does it but at the final because at the moment we are in the novel, he can't due to his weak position and politics problems which want to dethrone him at this moment of the novel. He is not a dictator, he has to respond and negotiate; there's been to much war.

The heavy part; tell his soldiers to rape Paulina and tell her "rather fuck whores than sleep with an ugly girl like her". Yeah, he did it, but he will regret it all his life (Fuck, it will be one of the things why Paulina does not believe him he loves her because she remembers it, he wants to fucking beat his younger self in that point) and he make things better for women because he will learn to respect them as equals thanks to Paulina. Lucius does not do an 'Arc of redemption' but he works thought the novel; he respects his wives, he will start changing the law to let women be equal to men at first with inheritance but then changing all the legal system (and If you think of the period; He is really putting on risk he is position and changing all the legal system is very much a hard duty; He even warns his court to leave him If they don't feel they can't cope it!) and he decides that his first daughter (From Rebecca, not his first with Paulina which was a male and 'rightfully' the heir) will be the queen as her right for being the firstborn. I quote «I would like to finish this change in the legal system. I have worked as hard as I could for these dreams, and I will continue on working for them. To be honest, I know that it will not be an easy road for us. Perhaps it will be even more difficult than conquering the entire continent.  Perhaps this will be the end of this kingdom, but Paulina, I cannot control my greed for you. I hope you will become my wife.  »

This last can be very subjective and If some can't forgive him, it's understandable. He did a very bad thing in the war and rape is still rape. But people make and believe wrong things and learn to regret it, Lucius will dedicate his life to change a system where women were less than a man thanks to the influence of Paulina, not just only for Paulina which is the main reason but because he saw it was unfair. Example, the mother of Rebecca apologize for his death daughter for giving birth a girl to HIM (He was mad as fuck) and his other wive Tory (Acrea Lady; blond one) who help him to discover a plan to dethrone him and still she is such in a weak position for the laws due to being a woman that she has to divorce him and go to receive punishment (no worries, he gave her a title for saving him and trust him over his family, let her work in the castle for logistics). BTW, when he is trying (finally) to woo Paulina one of his wive is dead [In the novel is shown more about the friendship between her and Paulina; and Paulina feels bad when she starts feeling for Lucius due to this :( ] and the other two CHOOSE to divorce him; Tory because of the incident of betraying her own family to help Lucius and the other because say 'Nah, this too much, hope you confess to Paulina Lucius' (The man is a open book about his crush on Paulina for her xd).

About the manwhore accusations, yeah, he was in the war but, hey, never force anyone and no one should be shaming you for your sex life because it's active. More over, he wasn't in love with Paulina at that moment and record them in case someone became pregnant and take responsibility.

There's a LOT I dind't mention but because this SLOW BURN AS FUCK but the necessary (?. We are nearly in the middle of the novel folks and Paulina isn't feeling until the two arcs, lol.

Stay safe <3
2021-05-15 12:56 marked
Can somone explain what people r mad of in the comment section? Is it cuz of bad translation or did something happen with the Author?
2021-01-03 11:25 marked
Do you know any other stories with a bara uke ?
2020-01-16 11:07 marked
As user @Cloe900311 kindly pointed out in a previous comment:

“So, I found out from the comments here that the translator, sennoakatsuki, worked on volume one already! Chapter 3B is available too, which isn't posted on mangago -> https://sennoakatsuki.tumblr.com/ And I'm reading that the translator isn't fond of their works being reuploaded, so let's respect that too! (I'll make the effort to check their tumblr more often, now that I know the link (⌒▽⌒))”

I’ll also make the effort of checking out their tumblr more regularly after knowing this (✿◠‿◠)
2019-10-12 19:25 marked
You know...I've been thinking this for a while, but if I were an omega and my alpha went to bite (i.e. mark) me I would, like, pull out a ruler and a protractor and be like "This is going to be on me for the rest of my life, so it had better be a fucking PERFECT circle in the EXACT center of my neck (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸"

I don't know how many omegaverse mangas I have read where the "mark" is crooked or, like, on the patch of skin between the neck and the collar bone and I'm just over here like "It is neither even nor symmetrical! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ"
2017-12-21 10:19 marked
Oh boy this reminds me of Canis: The Speaker. It's just that Kuze might not know yet what Shimojou is actually doing. He probably knows about it but it looks like he still doesn't. And I doubt that he doesn't remember Shimojou they are just pretending they know nothing about each other. The story revolves around hate and neither wants to be the uke. This is truly exciting.
2017-07-08 17:56 marked
After reading this, enjoy an infinite loop of this other thing:
( ⌒▽⌒)
2017-06-12 00:37 marked
From what i gathered from the manga, the twins, takumi and ayato share the same father as yuzuru.

The story begins with yuzuru as a blank canvas. He has no recollection of what happened in the past until takumi comes up to him, confesses and they end up a couple. (Obviously in this part it was all fast-phased until he locks him up). Takumi begins hinting at ayato who yuzuru has no memory of anymore and only when takumi brought up the part of them going to the shrine and him leaving ayato for dead was what triggered the memory back.

He has recollections bits by bits, which i believe they made quite unclear esp with his mom. (If i'm right she was the one who held the photo and kept saying not forget them- in chapter one the lady who appeared to be his mom doesn't seem to be his mom. They mention that his dad lived in Soudou before getting re-married so i concluded that he got adopted at some point or something) basically, their dad lived in the shrine and was a monster who fed on any living thing. (Some with reason maybe; but others purely to survive because he /does/ get hungry and lose control)

When they were kids it appeared that their dad really wished to see yuzuru. Though yuzuru didn't actually know his real relations to the twins, it was obvious that the twins did. Ayato wanted to be with him and love yuzuru but takumi wanted to prevent them being around him.

Also note that yuzuru blaming himself can be legit with reference to the incidents in his childhood. With the dog that died- it barked on yuzuru when they were passing by the shrine and moriyama whom yuzuru 'didnt really like' (ayato mentioned this); his dad might have devoured them for this reason.

Ayato mentioned about betraying their father (this wasn't explored but maybe something that had to do with keeping distance from yuzuru or bringing yuzuru to the shrine who knows). So, Ayato does bring him to the shrine hoping that seeing Yuzuru would make their father's condition better. But it didn't and they saw him at a bad time when he was 'hungry'. Ayato seemed to be familiar with the trait, which led him to tell yuzuru to run and thus ending up as their father's feed. Their dad, as per the narration, seemed to have lost sense and wanted only to feed that when he realized he ate his own son, cried in the corner of the shrine as he held ayato's bones. Yuzuru didn't seem to have ran off then and watched the whole thing happen and witnessed their father setting himself on fire over the grief of his actions. It was obviously traumatic for Yuzuru thus losing his memory after the events.

As per the fire that happened when Yuzuru went to the shrine again, it appeared that he too attempted to set himself on fire. The doctor said it himself that Yuzuru surviving it is a miracle, with his lunga burned so much it looked like damp firewood and 1/3 of his internal organs chunked out lest he has also "inherited" his father's inhuman/monstrousity conditions. If we consider this then at some point their dad was just a regular guy who fell in love thus having yuzuru and the twins- and only developed to become worse as he aged with time.

Yuzuru then concludes that it was only a matter of time that he too would end up like his father. He doesn't want to be, and he thought that lighting himself up like his dad did could finish the chain of events and also atone for ayato's death even if takumi doesn't forgive him. But it's revealed at this part that takumi is done with revenge because he too fell in love with yuzuru already.

After sneaking out of the hospital yuzuru says his final goodbyes and commits suicide with takumi. It's unclear how their graves ended up in the shrine but as per the flash if events it was obvious that the two boys didn't rest until they found them- leads to the conclusion that they were respobsible for the graves.

In the end, with yuzuru and takumi promising to be together and ending the chain of the happenings, they become the spiritual guardians of the shrine where his father committed suicide. At this point i think they're mostly stopping children from being spirited away since there's no monsters there anymore (plus it's going to be torn down soon).
2017-05-24 08:38 marked
I had to logout to comment here. even though I'm a regular here. I found out this year that I have a lot of surgical scars inside in that area. When the doctor said the scars were from the surgery I had, I said, "but I've never had surgery of any kind." If male organs were removed from my body as an infant, I wish my parents had told me. It would answer so many painful questions. I didn't ever consider a sex change because I would lose my feminine side, and I feel like both genders are me. I have this female body, but I've so much identified as a male always. I found out that I can't have children, but no one said it was because of this. I just don't know. My parents are dead so I can't ask them now. Why didn't they tell me? This is too mysterious and confusing with no one to talk to about it. The male part of me is crying inside me always just to be able to be acknowledged as a man, but that is impossible. I've tried and it was a terrible disaster. People can be so so cruel. I stay to myself now, and I read yaoi with others online who also like it and are very kind and maybe a little strange like me. I'm so glad you guys are here. TY for reading all this. Sorry for the long post.
2017-03-16 22:19 marked
I've never met anyone as rude as the people who show up to orgies without business cards like, what exactly were you planning to do here? How can you show up to a hot date for group sex and forget your networking devices?

Homeboys got the right idea but you can tell he's a newbie because he totally forgets to pass his cards around *before* everyone gets hot and heavy. I've got high hopes for him though.
2016-12-07 01:17 marked
Aren't Vampires truly amazing? They have lamps down there (・ω・)
2016-11-05 20:18 marked
Devil wears pra... PENIS?!?! :D
2016-10-06 19:37 marked
Imagine these two's baby... he'd be kindergarten's new resident terror.
2016-10-03 14:44 marked
Someone else's comment made me realize how I wished this story had ended...
1st, Yuu gets sick of Chiharu treating him like crap and runs away
2nd, Chiharu chases after Yuu demanding he return
3rd, Chiharu is hit by a bus while trying to drag Yuu back to the cafe
4th, having watched Chiharu get run over by a bus, Yuu has to give a statement to the police
5th, the police officer taking Yuu's statement is ridiculously hot and very gay
6th, the officer and Yuu fall madly in love and have AMAZING sex
7th, the officer treats Yuu like gold and they live happily ever after
8th, occasionally Yuu and his hot cop boyfriend visit Chiharu's grave to thank him for getting hit by a bus, so that they could be together
Now THAT would be a happy ending
2016-08-14 02:05 marked
this item will be show after approved
2015-12-20 15:44 marked

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