Being this about fish i guess I can't say it's exactly furry.... but hell do i want more of this. Of werepeople, merfolk, even fae if they qualify as beasts lolol Gimme all your dirty recommendations, even if it's straight!! As long as it's explicit and they fuck at least once with their semihuman shape >:B

Persistent. Blonde guys is SO PERSISTENT xD
Nothing seriously bad happens here and everything, hear me out, EVERYTHING here is consensual between the main characters. From sex to feelings. Except when Rafael was persistent like a hungry puppy, even then, he didn't push past what Dante wanted. And that's GREAT, that's what this industry has to aspire to make popular.
The story is nothing brilliant, we have horse dicks, but overall is good because they talk and are sincere with each other and the families and surroundings are supportive. No one gives a flying fuck if they gay.
It's good, very healthy, set your goals in life to get this high quality shit.
That said, I'll give this 3/5 tops.
That hole can fit /the/ titan without any magic involved LMAO
Anyways, despite being porn, is refreshing seeing bottoms knowing what they want and acting accordingly.