I didn't like the rape part but the rest of the story it was great. Emotionally draining their love.
He always said the thruth... he told him he had to get married. He explained his situation. They both knew what will happen after he got out. They kept the relationship and communication for as long as they could until he got married. After that the relationship kind of faded away to the back burner because of life compromises and reality.
Not to justify what he did... but he gave up a great military career and the love of his life just to satisfy his parents demands. The frustration and resignation must have been overwhelming. I think this is what the Sgt saw and why he never talked about the rape. (again I'm not justifying just looking to see where this raping came from... etc.)
About the wife... This wasn't a relationship build on love it was just a contract to fulfill on both parts. I mean marrying the little brother of your dead fiance can't be all emotionally great. I am sure she was equally tired of all the drama and knowing she was sick it was right of her to want to have a kid fast so the family issue gets resolve and they both can "live better". He stood with his wife during her sickness and respected her. Now both parties (parents) are happy cause they have an offspring.
Now that parents got what they wanted he can now be free and love whoever he wants and have the life he wants.