174 photo
03 04,2023 created

Created : Feb 25 2024

Click on the photo for the title + link source and it'll get you to the manga/manhwa official scans website.

I decided to create an album that has really nice covers.
If there is a 'FM' label on the description of the photo then it means I have read it/am reading it and it has become one of my favourite + rating of story is 1* to 5*, 5* is the highest.

If the photo has no 'FM' label in the description then it's just here because the cover looked really nice.
19 photo
25 02,2024 created

Normally I have more photos but I can't find them in my gallery. I don't use this album, just go to https://www.mangago.me/home/album/336726/
18 photo
03 04,2023 created

Nyx's Photo Tags

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