What is really great is how the author gives the reader facts that tie in perfectly with adult Asami (I will post just a few under the Spoiler tag in a moment). And I'm really liking the story thus far. I thought it would all be a bit silly, since they are in high school - not at all, on the contrary. Both Asami and Kuroda are very much dealing with "adult" things and adult problems.
On thing that I know will make a LOOOOOOOOT of Viewfinder fans really happy (I know it did me!!!) was something that I had always secretly been hoping to be the case:
1) ASAMI COOKS!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Asami knows how to cook and he is really, really super good at it!!! That made me so happy. I just wonder, what made him NOT cook in his adult life (empty fridge before Akihito and all) or nowadays leaving it all up to Akihito... From the novel you would think Asami can't even cook an egg, so this was such a pleasant surprise (for me, at least).
2) The part-time job? Asami works... wait for it... as a BAR TENDER!!! Yes, he has a job as a bar tender despite being under age. He owns the keys to the bar, he takes car of the bar, mixes the cocktails and cooks the food. He does curry, Italian food, sandwiches etc. for Kuroda (who starts hanging out there before the bar opens) on a regular basis and Kuroda says the food is delicious.
3) Asami does NOT have a part-time job, because he needs the money. There are other jobs that would certainly pay better. He works there because it's a great way to garther information and connections. He tells Kuroda that he wants to open up his own place one day. (I LOVE how that ties in with the story of adult Asami!!!)
4) Kids in school are talking and warn Kuroda. They overheard their parents saying that Asami's dad was "not a Yakuza, but worse than that: someone who was hugely influential in the world of business and politics" (again, I LOVE how that ties in with what YA wrote about Asami in his profile, those are the exact same words she used for Asami!). The kids also tell him, that Asami is dangerous, too (again, they've heard their parents talk).
I hope this really gets people interested in the novel and a lot of folks will end up buying it once/if it's translated. :) Just had to share these bits, as I know a lot of people will love that info.
2017-02-07 19:36 marked
2016-07-10 18:04 marked
I have to say that initially I wasn't too exited about what the new Viewfin...