This is so sad
Poor yuna, when she started crying I did too!
And poor minseok too...I mean what he did wasn't really ideal but he is frustrated with himself too...he could barely stay afloat after all the work so sure he is gonna feel like they are too different when she is so selflessly generous (being in a relationship and being in only recieving end hurts tbh...cuz feelings are not solid...no matter how much you give you cant know if the person is recieving it all so they just try hard till they wear out)
He just feels like bad person when she is there being whole sunshine...its not just that...even he thinks he doesn't deserve her (as many of readers says too) so he thought of easy way out...staying in their own world
But theres no easy way I love! I hope he gets his confidence back and she receives as much and lot more love that she deserves!

1. So everyone is talking about rape but I have read raws till chapter 80 and there's no rape so far! (they say it's in chapter 88 but I haven't read it so idk)
2. They confess to each other! (I dont recall the chater though)
3. There's smut scene from chapter 50!

i found another one just after my comment lmao but thanks
So people asking about novels!
There is a novel which is completed in korean and side stories are gonna come out soon!
There's currently no english translation (as far as I know) only korean and Russian (I heard theres Japanese translated version too)
I dont have links for those sadly
Those who wanna read have to buy the korean books and the official site has age restrictions as this is an 18+ novel
So sadly theres no links for english version of this
(Hopefully someone picks it up or theres official english version available soon!)
So no one translate it yet?