Nope. Good thing I have a bad memory. I'm forgetting that last line. ;) that shall be a worry for another day.
Sounds really delicious for a delicious man like him
Bird feeds? Dog treats? (ノ≧∇≦)ノ
The one time Ah juicy's name is called from henceforth after this, it will be reslly impactful (≧∀≦)
Look at zeronis so desperate.. hes even crying for ripley T_T
Its not that bad... but not that good either.. the nagging question was.. does he not have a job?!?!?!
He had something because he had a reeeeally good place
I do hope gay marriage in Korea will get approved one day so gays can live happily with their partners and have access to many stuff like a typical marriage couple do :(
What can i say...
This manhwa teaches a lot about gaslighting...
Dude its more like whats wrong with you???theres nothing wrong with ibelina. Its you who need to know your boundaries and gtfo.
Nope. Good thing I have a bad memory. I'm forgetting that last line. ;) that shall be a worry for another day.