I think this story is really captivating and quite a representation of what happens in life (minus the occasional fate meetings between kou and fl). While the story started off with kou, I think she will end up with tatsuo.
Kou being with with FL helped him find his passion and goal and it did heal them a little. She was finally able to be more confident to have sex. While tatsuo is helping her to build more communication. It definitely goes both ways and I am liking how Tatsuo and fl are growing in a relationship..chapter 36 really shows how much of a tsundere he is but also how much he likes fl. While he is not very expressive with his face, he is quite expressive with his words, which is great for FL since she gets insecure and tends to overthink. We can also see FL's growth here.
One gripe i have about the relationships in this story is how fl didnt seem to have feelings for her boss but still start a relationship and literally (fked) on first date. I chalk this up to their culture thoughm.. which is common
The art changw for the special episode kind of threw me off loop