That mizusawa senpai bitch ass is such a creep. He's been manipulating this poor kid since high school and had the nerve to sexually assault him, what a creep!
Plus there's no way our daddy doesn't already know that our lil cutie is gay. He definitely saw it that day when he stayed behind to clean the basketballs.

I hope he finds love too but I dislike how he pushes his beliefs unto our mc, like when he says "You don't really think people like us can pick who we love right." I get where he's coming from but it's essentially saying that there's something wrong with gay people that they have no choice but to give up on love and settle for whoever. That's such an unhealthy mentality to have.

I went to check to make sure I wasn't misjudging him and I'm pretty sure it's labeled as assault. Senpai says "It's been awhile," which means they haven't been sex friends for some time, and then proceeds to forcefully kiss him and grab his ass. Mc immediately says "Please stop it," but senpai still takes a few second before taking his hands off. That's not consent so yeah, it is assault. I get you like him, and there's definitely room for growth with his character, but his actions are not okay.

For anyone wondering, it is scientifically possible to fit the Titan's whole dick in his ass. The average rectum has a length of 6-8 inches and a diameter of 2.5 inches at its widest, UNSTRETCHED. There have been cases of doctors removing objects around 12 inches long and 8 inches wide lol. In fact, they tested it. But it varied so much from person to person that they were never able to find a conclusive range. Of course, the most important key is to slowly stretch stretch and stretch!
Cheers to titan cock! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Edit: I apologize if I've traumatized anyone lmao

I’ll probably keep reading it because I like the FL and Ale as well as Liliana but I can’t say I like the recent chapters. I thought her separation from Ale would be a turning point where she would become more badass and ladylike and realize that she’s the only one that can protect Ale since she knows the future. Instead it’s just mild chapters about her getting involved with annoying characters. It’s not bad, I’m just a bit disappointed I guess.

Our handsome swordmaster remembers her too?! Just how many people returned to the past with their memories? AHHH I’m so excited because in the alternate future it was obvious that they liked each other, so once they realize they both remember that future it’ll be like implicitly confessing their feelings (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

For anyone who’s curious about DID and doesn’t want to research, I’ve written a bit about it bellow.
DID is an identity disorder caused by trauma. If a child experiences severe/life-threatning trauma, the body will set up amnesia walls in the head, “fragmenting” the child’s not-fully developed personality (since children do not start developing a cohesive personality until their early teens). Each “fragment” (this is not a good term but stick with me), then grows up to essentially become its own person. Each person is known as an alter for “alternate state of consciousness.” All the alters together are called a system. Alters can have different ages, genders, tastes, and even be non-human. Most of all, they each hold different memories of the trauma, some might not even remember it all, as a way to create a “stable” person to be in charge of the body most of the time, known as the host. There is no “true” self. Not even the host, since the host is also an alter. Some alters have different roles, such a protector or host (as mentioned previously). Most of the time alters can not remember what other alters did while fronting (taking over the body), unless they have good communication and let each other know. A switch (going from one alter to another), happens due to a trigger. A trigger is anything that causes a specific alter to front, such as a song they really like, or experiencing a familiar memory. People with DID are like any other person with a disorder, struggling but getting through it. People with DID are not inherently dangerous, I really dislike how dramas sometimes portray them as psychotic for views like wtf??
As for how accurate this manga is, it’s not bad! I hope they don’t sexualize the little (a child alter, the crying kid Itsumi), because that would be pedophilia. Also I hope Yuma stops calling it MPD (multiple personality), it’s outdated and inaccurate! It’s DID.
It’s a very interesting disorder shrouded in a lot of mystery and complexity, if you would like to learn more, watch DissociaDID on youtube, a very cool system that spreads information on the topic.

Split sounds like a well made movie but from what I've gathered through YouTube videos made by those who have DID, they are just tired of how common it is for mainstream media to represent characters with their illness as murderers and other dangerous people. They don't recommend 'Split' as a movie to educate ppl about DID.

Woah, i just noticed that we're name twins haha.
Many people seem to misunderstand that this is a story set hundreds of years in the past. There is no mental health knowledge here. In this time, people that were depressed were instead seen as "insane," "cursed," or "abandoned by God." The family doesn't want to be rude on purpose, but considering this society's knowledge of mental health, the only way they can interpret her is, "a lazy, hopeless, good-for-nothing who taints the family name." Of course they hate her. Plus, they didn't know she was being abused, the little demon btxh kept it hidden since all the maids were on her side. Now that Senianna is behaving "normally," they gave her a chance, and realized her behavior was due to her being abused. So they're like "oh shiet...my bad."
I'm not surprised really, it makes sense to me, though I'd expect them to at least apologize for not investigating it sooner, or even reaching out to her.
you said it perfectly!!! thank you!
While blue hair and grandpa can get a pass, blonde hair pretty much admitted that he knew the demon b*tch was,,,, well, a demon. So he definitely did know about the abuse. And I’m sure he’s more influent than demon b*tch seeing how she was kicked out so quickly (and since grandpa kept her only for his own benefit), which pretty much shows how little influence she has.
Huh? He knew what the red head was doing to the FL? What chapter?
I mean he knows that red b*tch is a snake, and when FL asked him the kitchens key he said it might be complicated since red b*tch didn’t like FL. So he basically knew that red b*tch hated FL. I am sure at that point every logical person would at least check up on their sister (if you do care about her, ofc) which he didn’t. And he didn’t have any reaction when FL said that her tea was poisoned. So knowing him, he prob knew, just didn’t do anything about it because he didn’t like his sister.
That's a little far fetched--
They already established the fact the redhead didn't like the FL because she posed a threat to the redhead--and that she can take over the household and stuff. Just because someone doesn't like you doesn't automatically mean they're going to hit you or abuse you or do something. And he did have a reaction--it was just subtle. Not everyone crumples up to the floor and curls up into a ball and cries. He and everyone else were shocked, and they were so happy she chose to starve the redhead and her father to death.
And keep in mind they thought the OG FL hated them because of her tantrums and how she didn't associated herself with them. They came from different mothers, so it wasn't very uncommon to like, not associate with them. A lot of people resent their half siblings
I do agree it was a little far fetched on my part lol. I think what is angering me the most is how quick their feelings towards her changed. It’s not like i can blame them because of the historical period, but because we have a different mindset now i can’t help but feeling anger towards them.
I agree!!! I'm just really mad at the fact that everything was brushed under the carpet and how their feelings immediately changed.
And hey--the fact that you're feeling some type of anger right now proves that you're a decent human being compared to the rest of the world,,, and how the webcomic is actually doing a fairly good job at making her family seem like trash before character development (๑•ㅂ•)و✧