iwanttodeletemyself April 11, 2021 10:17 pm

well shit don’t cock block us like that

iwanttodeletemyself February 26, 2021 3:41 am

ily bestie thank you for updating mwa

iwanttodeletemyself February 10, 2021 12:52 am

thank you uploader for uploading this regardless, no hate is intended by anyone in the comments, we simply can’t read it well

    vvvvv February 10, 2021 12:53 am

    Disable multi pages and read backwards. Start from page 46 to page 1. You're welcome!

    iwanttodeletemyself February 10, 2021 12:57 am
    Disable multi pages and read backwards. Start from page 46 to page 1. You're welcome! vvvvv

    i saw your earlier comment and tried it, thank you very much for this!!

iwanttodeletemyself January 26, 2021 7:07 am

please PLEASE !! REMOVE THESE ! i will continue to ask politely as to not spread hate!! please remove chapter 10 and the ORIGINAL translators may release more english chapters for us!! please!

    SisterFriede January 26, 2021 7:32 am

    Where can i read the translator version?

    simping for jennie kim January 26, 2021 7:35 am

    Now why are y’all accusing me of “stealing a translation” from your imagination?? Jfc, it took me 4-5 hours to clean newtoki raws and the overall text boxes and an additional hour or so to translate the chapter. As I’ve stated before, I had started chapter 10 prior to knowing it’s picked up by a scan group, so out of respect to them, I dropped it but only after finishing the chapter. Now onto the “stolen translation”, please enlighten me, why people are spamming to delete when the scan group is currently only at chapter 4(?) on mangad*x, so if they have an issue simply because I saw the thread about the ongoing issue of who updates this, please let me know instead of accusing me. I commented earlier, but I translate KOREAN novels, so it’s funny seeing someone throwing a fit and demanding to delete because their imagination has run wild. This was purely my own hard work, as you can see from the notes I left everywhere in the chapter over the slangs they use and everyone laughing at my goofy ass for using “heuk” bc I wasn’t sure what sfx to use. Seeing all the people in the comments already demanding for it to be deleted just pisses me fucking off. Do you all bother to verify both sides before going off and calling people thieves? To whoever the “translation” was stolen, please reply so we can have a civil conversation and not petty name calling. For all I know, my translation could’ve been stolen? Silly no? That’s my point. Don’t gather a mob without giving a person to explain their side too.

    Btw, I had to use this to reply to a comment bc I can’t create a topic for some reason?

    simping for jennie kim January 26, 2021 7:36 am
    Now why are y’all accusing me of “stealing a translation” from your imagination?? Jfc, it took me 4-5 hours to clean newtoki raws and the overall text boxes and an additional hour or so to translate the c... simping for jennie kim

    Funny thing actually, I didn’t even bother cleaning all the raws so there’s 1-2 panels with the ugly watermark there because it was so tedious.

    iwanttodeletemyself January 26, 2021 7:41 am
    Now why are y’all accusing me of “stealing a translation” from your imagination?? Jfc, it took me 4-5 hours to clean newtoki raws and the overall text boxes and an additional hour or so to translate the c... simping for jennie kim

    i see your point now, i immensely apologize. i jumped to a conclusion based off of what the scan group said and my anger of the situation; ie, their misunderstanding of what had happened which led me to leave many comments (i also apologize about that.) my interpretation of this situation was incorrect, and i hope i can help clear up what happened to the other people i am in contact with, who have been leaving similar opinions/comments. the scantilation group is up to chapter 13, however, so i do not believe they stole from you. (i also do not believe <now> that you stole from them.) my understanding of the situation was that someone from the scantilation group’s discord had screenshotted and rephrased their work. i see my error now.

    please have a nice day and i apologize once again for discarding your work and effort.

    simping for jennie kim January 26, 2021 7:49 am

    It’s fine I was just seriously frustrated. I’m not sure who you are referring to, bc I can’t see them on here nor mangadex, so idk which platform they use to publish it, but I’m sure my translation and post of chapter 10 is different and I hope they understand that too by looking at the WHOLE chapter. There is bound to be similarities (just look at the first chapter of Villainess Maker, there are multiple groups and all have very similar translations bc it’s the SAME chapter). It was just seriously disappointing to see people in the comments with torches after my chapter and demanding for it to be deleted after it took hours to get it and ONLY bc it was like 2 weeks since the last update, it was frustrating me and the fake updates too.

    iwanttodeletemyself January 26, 2021 7:54 am
    It’s fine I was just seriously frustrated. I’m not sure who you are referring to, bc I can’t see them on here nor mangadex, so idk which platform they use to publish it, but I’m sure my translation and ... simping for jennie kim

    i understand :(. everyone ive been in contact with during the last hour or so was under the assumption that someone re-uploaded <the scantilation group’s translations> here simply to have it on this site, so i truly hope this mistake will blow over soon. i can give you the name of the (alternate) translator’s instagram if you would like to get in contact with them.

    simping for jennie kim January 26, 2021 7:57 am
    i understand :(. everyone ive been in contact with during the last hour or so was under the assumption that someone re-uploaded <the scantilation group’s translations> here simply to have it on this sit... iwanttodeletemyself

    yes that would, I would like to clear up their misconception. Much appreciation for your help <3

iwanttodeletemyself January 26, 2021 6:57 am


    Fried Chicken January 26, 2021 7:00 am

    Oh man this sucks. Is there a specific place we should read the chapter from the original translator?

    Kagehina910 January 26, 2021 7:02 am
    Oh man this sucks. Is there a specific place we should read the chapter from the original translator? Fried Chicken

    There was but it was taken down there too because of this upload

    FlamingBiscuit January 26, 2021 7:03 am
    Oh man this sucks. Is there a specific place we should read the chapter from the original translator? Fried Chicken

    Same question (/TДT)/

    iwanttodeletemyself January 26, 2021 7:03 am
    Oh man this sucks. Is there a specific place we should read the chapter from the original translator? Fried Chicken

    i’m glad you asked! the translators instagram, which i can link, hosted a discord server, which you may still be able to join, and posted an organized layout of translated english chapters for free for us! but they have since removed the chapters after someone from the discord posted them HERE. thank you for asking about this matter, i’m trying to inform as many people as i can, and my comments keep getting deleted!!

    Fried Chicken January 26, 2021 7:39 am

    I would really appreciate the link!! Honestly didnt know it was stolen translation sigh why do ppl do this shit

    iwanttodeletemyself January 26, 2021 7:46 am
    I would really appreciate the link!! Honestly didnt know it was stolen translation sigh why do ppl do this shit Fried Chicken

    i have spoken now with the uploader of this chapter 10 and i am unsure as to what truly happened. the scantilation group (original translators) posted side-by-side photos of this chapter 10, and theirs, and the wording on this new one is very similar. it was also released after. as to not spread any more hate/negativity to this uploader/new translator, i will just be linking the original translators instagram. unfortunately the full chapters are not available anymore however~

    their instagram is @ssfujoshi_translates

    simping for jennie kim January 26, 2021 7:55 am
    i have spoken now with the uploader of this chapter 10 and i am unsure as to what truly happened. the scantilation group (original translators) posted side-by-side photos of this chapter 10, and theirs, and the... iwanttodeletemyself

    Sorry this really interests me, is there anyway I can see it the similarities? Is it only a few panels or the entire chapter?

    iwanttodeletemyself January 26, 2021 7:58 am
    Sorry this really interests me, is there anyway I can see it the similarities? Is it only a few panels or the entire chapter? simping for jennie kim

    i’m unsure how to link images here or anything lol- so i can try to screenshot it and use it as my profile picture for a few moments if you would like to view that through my account. sorry, i really don’t know how to do images here lmao

    Fried Chicken January 26, 2021 7:58 am
    Sorry this really interests me, is there anyway I can see it the similarities? Is it only a few panels or the entire chapter? simping for jennie kim

    Ah im glad the misunderstanding has cleared up and i’m also sorry for jumping to the wrong conclusions. Appreciate your translation and hard work and sorry again

    simping for jennie kim January 26, 2021 8:04 am
    Ah im glad the misunderstanding has cleared up and i’m also sorry for jumping to the wrong conclusions. Appreciate your translation and hard work and sorry again Fried Chicken

    It’s fine thank you for apologizing, I actually commented earlier on that I was dropping it anyway not bc I didn’t want to continue, but because someone linked me to a thread explaining that the scan group is still very much interested in this, even though they are at only chapter 4-5. So out of respect to them, I just decided to complete this chapter and then stop. I just wish the translation group attempted some type of communication prior to sending an angry mob after me lmaoo

    simping for jennie kim January 26, 2021 8:04 am
    i’m unsure how to link images here or anything lol- so i can try to screenshot it and use it as my profile picture for a few moments if you would like to view that through my account. sorry, i really don’t ... iwanttodeletemyself

    It’s okay, I’ll just speak with them directly. Can I get their @ on Instagram? Thank you <3

    iwanttodeletemyself January 26, 2021 8:05 am
    It’s okay, I’ll just speak with them directly. Can I get their @ on Instagram? Thank you <3 simping for jennie kim

    of course, they are @ssfujoshi_translates

    simping for jennie kim January 26, 2021 8:10 am
    of course, they are @ssfujoshi_translates iwanttodeletemyself

    Tysm I’ll dm them tmr bc I’m going to sleep now

    iwanttodeletemyself January 26, 2021 8:13 am
    Tysm I’ll dm them tmr bc I’m going to sleep now simping for jennie kim

    no problem at all! i hope things work out for you and them, and i am letting my friends in the disc server know to calm down and to let you guys work it out.

    stay safe!

iwanttodeletemyself January 26, 2021 6:55 am


iwanttodeletemyself January 24, 2021 2:33 pm

watch me get instagram just for this translation

    Barbie ♡ °・ January 24, 2021 2:41 pm

    You’ll need to get discord too because the transitions are on there

    Mya January 24, 2021 2:45 pm
    You’ll need to get discord too because the transitions are on there Barbie ♡ °・

    I joined the discord but it says that I don’t have access to anything

    Barbie ♡ °・ January 24, 2021 2:49 pm

    Idk then I’m just planning on waiting but from that google translate update and now a plug I’m getting pretty frustrated and just want the old translators back

    iwanttodeletemyself January 24, 2021 4:16 pm
    You’ll need to get discord too because the transitions are on there Barbie ♡ °・

    yeah i joined their discord and i’m not sure what happened as far as current or past translators but the ones with the discord are very kind and the server is lovely (≧∀≦)

iwanttodeletemyself January 20, 2021 4:11 am

after watching Nana i’ve come to despise infidelity so this manhwa made me real torn up

    Kiki~ January 21, 2021 8:53 am

    Nana left my heart broken in a million different ways. :'(

    iwanttodeletemyself January 21, 2021 12:30 pm
    Nana left my heart broken in a million different ways. :'( Kiki~

    yessss omg i had to stop watching after [spoiler for nana for anyone who hasn’t seen it]:

    after shoji cheated on hachi omfg that just stung

iwanttodeletemyself January 14, 2021 2:20 pm


iwanttodeletemyself January 12, 2021 1:36 pm

new update made me wanna go back and read the first one again bruh it was so good

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