the most hardcore mlm are the ones that have guys who just kinda like each other and it's just like their day to day life. nothing more racy than just a nice chill romance where they both like each other and wanna get closer.
at first i was felt bad that life kinda just had them drift apart and the spark was lost. turns out thats not the case!!!!!! felt bad for in suh at first but HAHA eat shit in suh is ugly and stinky inside and out the audacity of some people on god.
tell me about the frogs. i wanna know about their lives. their trials and tribulations. their desires. their aspirations. i stopped caring about the mcs in .2 seconds
AWWOOGGAAAAA awoo awoo *pants lightly* *wipes sweaty* hah hah hah hamanahamama WOOOF WOOF *barks* *drools a little bit* .... haha //bites lips *lin manuel miranda stare* hehe kawaii d’eau ne m’lady would you like if watashi took you on date???? *pulls out katana
i didn’t read the blurb at first and just read it. i did not know what i got myself into lmao. was otherwise fun but the racial dynamics are just waaaayy too on the nose. wish the author did it differently cos this feels mad icky.
main couple walked to side couple could run !!! we must be grateful to our ancestors for what they did for us.