So um.... Could someone link me the dragon sex thing?
.... For research purposes.

do you know that dragons actually have two penises that what you learn after being in the novelupdates forums for to long and actually reading a novel that involves sex with a dragon

It's not manga, she writes novels. Here's the link to the first. If you like it please support the author.

Am I the only one who pities Aru? I feel like there is way too much hate in the comments towards her :

She worked very hard (by doing indecent things) but wasn't able to appreciate what she got as a result. Aru has so much already, but continues to be a greedy bitch anyway smh.

I pity her too. She did whatever she could to stand on top, due to her background and family situation, albeit her actions towards her friends and lovers were deplorable. People seem to like thinking that they are holier-than-thou, that they will be a conventionally decent human being at all times and that they will never make mistakes. But really, if you were in her shoes, would you really be able to stay innocent and pure? And no matter what kinda indecent thing she did, she still does not deserve to be sexually assaulted (or "brought this on herself")
"He's not even gay or bi".... What? Why would a straight guy date another guy? Unless he's implying Hime is some other sexuality that isn't mentioned here, but this is yaoi so I doubt that lmao
I think it's more because Hime (Makoto) had only ever loved Arata's past self which he thought was a girl. Hence why Hime was so hesitant at first when he found out that Arata was actually a guy. Hime wasnt really straight nor was he gay or bi. He had only ever loved one person so I feel he's more pan or maybe even demi? I think Arata said it in a way that implied that Hime had finally accepted him and was working hard towards improving himself for the sake of their relationship (but then again that's just how I interpreted it so I could be way off the mark ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ )
Yeah, that makes sense. Still that comment is super disorienting considering the fact that they were just after sex when he made it lmao
Honestly though lol