Like, some of the drives for why some things end up happening just make no fucking sense & the teeth in the art style kind of scare me- BUT ITS GOOD??? I'm here for the smut, let's be honest ( ̄∇ ̄")

I get that but its ok for me. I can't find a decent interesting plot that would make me go YasSSss!! anymore so, I'm here just so I can witness the prideful, ego maniac Ethan, falling head over heels for Tristan too and how their life's gonna change.. idk how the plot's going to turnout lol but I'm here for it~

Now, I've seen quite a few little virgins here and there, or at least vanillas, who keep trying to say that Dojin going overboard is just a rape kink. Here's a thing, kinks aren't bad and are actually really fun in a relationship - IF THE COUPLE ESTABLISHES THAT THEY LIKE SAID KINK. In a BDSM relationship or any kind of relationship really, you all can't just stay silent and expect your lover to know what you like and what can traumatize you (which really doesn't take much sometimes). Let's say- you like to be forced into submission or want to be degraded - you have to inform your partner of that so they know what they can do (let's say- slap you or call you names) and what is crossing the line (could be drawing blood, spitting on you or choking).
& CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG, but I don't remember Hyesung saying anywhere that he likes to be forcefully fucked (Even tho that is really hot sometimes). IM NOT SAYING THAT DOJIN IS THE BAD RAPIST GUY HERE, but in the contexts of kinks and such - he's just a bad bad Dom.
I feel like they could work & I can see them having some kinks, but for their relationship to work they really need that COMMUNICATION. Oh- & a couple therapist bc we all know both Hyesung AND Dojin have some issues and inner conflicts they have to fix.

People are not forgetting that this is fiction, they just understand the harm this could cause to impressionable minds. The author can put out whatever they want - that's the beauty of art, but the fact still remains that this will be found by young individuals (especially on mangago bc it's deliciously easy to lie about your age on such sites). Those 'kids' who never had a relationship will most likely take this as an example for how a relationship should be.

I agree for this story, i saw a lot of comments with pepole hating stories coz it contains rape, thats why i was saying people are forgetting this is fiction, its doesnt apply to real life morals, its still a yaoi, an omegaverse story, it's very animalistic with very jealous possessive alphas thinking they re above everyone else and omegas are just cumdumbsters for them, with this in mind, i really think young ones must never get inspiration from that for their future relationships.
Even if its a good story they should just stop trying to project themselves in the stories and just take them as they are stories.
I tend to ratiocinate so am happy to finally see someone with an opinion and valid arguments here ヾ(☆▽☆)

You're a smart fella! I totally agree with this too. The morals of the people in a story or a comic is up to the author as story telling shouldn't be completely restricted to lovey-dovey or goody two-shoes characters/themes (especially when everything takes place in different universes) - that's shit's kinda boring anyway ngl. But it's good to add disclaimers or have people clear things up in discussion for those who are too busy drooling over a pretty face and a six-pack.

I can see that the last chapters are translated by a different person than the ones before ch 30. That person needs to stop cuz it's kind of ruining the story & creating unnecessary problems. I was so into this story when I found out about the pregnancy but now everything is getting confusing with these poor translations & quality.

I've been thinking how in all happy relationships ppl usually have common interests or like to try each others' hobbies to bond- WHAT COMMON INTERESTS DOES DOJIN & HYESUNG HAVE????
You all, smh help me raise some money so I could build a machine that would take me into this world. I could give them some couple therapy: You know, make them bake each other's favorite meals together, tell nice things to each other and find common interests. We could talk about possible kinks and how to approach them safely, talk about COMMUNICATION and importance of it- You know all the healthy aspects of an actually good relationship that are needed even if they like to get a little frisky in the bed- you know, a little ropes... maybe bunny ears and some...whipped cream on Dojin's butt cheeks - usual BDSM things. I would make them bloom like two intertwined, different-colored cherry trees that complement each other in the beautiful blue sky just so Byul, my serotonin source, wouldn't end up with Daddy or Mommy issues.

I kinda want to see Hyesung with an omegaaaa - Why Dojin so pressed? Hyesung didn't even get to experience & had to get married straight away

No need to have experience in sex or love at risk of getting hurt when you found true love, someone who loves you unconditionally, someone who's devoted to you, who'd do anything for you, who's faithfull and crazy about you, someone who don't see anything but you, who protect you, take care of you, who's rich, sexy, sweet and passionate, well for me I would say, that there's no need to go search the world, I'd rather have no experience in love or what so ever and have that person by my side, than have all experience in love with risk issues such as ending up being hurt, cheated, abused, ending up with a broken heart, trust issues, scars that won't be gone even in the next relationship etc....
I think Hye sung is really lucky to have Dojin, he met him when he was in was in his most vulnerable state and at that time hye sung could have been abused etc in the end he found true love and that's a pity that sometimes it feels like hye sung takes it for granted, well that's just my opinion and you can all disagree if you want ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Okay, I agree with you on some points and see where you coming from- but Dojin wasn't always the perfect husband . He HAS HURT Hye-sung, maybe unintentionally or unaware of it BUT HE DID HURT HIM MULTIPLE TIMES. + Experience is something good to have (even if it hurts us) bc it helps us to identify when we are being treated wrong by someone (similar to how ppl gain an immune system against a virus after interacting with it) & It helps us to discover what we like. I have yet to see Dojin help Hyesung explore his sexuality . Dojin has only given him the D- BUT WHAT IF OUR BOY WANTS SOME ASS TOO???? I get the bliss some ppl feel bc they don't crave what they haven't tasted :PPP BUT COME ON- What if Hyesung really is attracted to omegas ? T T If he is, Dojin can't turn a blind eye to it bc that's not smth that can be controlled. + As an ACTUALLY GREAT partner, Dojin should encourage our boy to explore and get to know himself and what he likes.

Btw, who said Dojin will always be that way? The fact remains, sometimes love fades. If they won't explore & bring new things into their relationship it will soon get boring they'll start cheating on each other. That's how it goes a lot of the time bc humans are curious & are above the basic lifestyle of fuck, eat, sleep.(well, most likely DOJIN ON HYESUNG bc hyesung PHYSICALLY can't)

I think I get what you want to say, and from my point of view both characters made mistakes during this long story, they 've hurt each other, broke apart, got back together but that's what build up their relationship to what it is at this point of the story. (Still I think the issu in those last chapters are about trust issues that Dojin has and a serious problem of communication in their relationship) But let's not forget that that's fiction.
I agree with you concerning the fact that if hye sung wants to try new things in their relationship he can and Dojin should encourage him and help him finding out what he likes BUT by new things I exclude cheating, threesome, exchanging partners and all those weird stuff extramarital.
However if hye-sung is really interested in omegas or any of these stuff (well if we stay in the omegaverse, in my opinion it's probably not the case, because in those last chapters he still loves Dojin ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍), well if you were right and suddenly he has a change of heart and he wants to try new stuff and have experiences, well it's up to him, but for me it'd be more correct to divorce Dojin than go explore new stuff.
Concerning relationships:
I agree with you that not knowing things and be ignorant in a relationship is not a good thing cause you are just innocent and thus can be easily fooled but getting experiences isn't the only way to prevent things, and be aware. You can just inform yourself, learn things from wiser people that have made past mistakes, the elders for example, so that you'll be aware of wrong doings, that's an alternative.
Besides, I don't think the soul/mind/spirit where you have feelings, can be compared to a body system that is physiologicaly regulated, automatically, a system that has no feelings. So that can't be compared. One is a machine (the body) the other is what's make us human being (the spirit)
I mean the body and the spirit are two different things: the immune systeme will face new pathogen agent and will react to it automatically, with some physical consequences but certainly there're therapies to recover the body and by the time you're body will eventually adapt to the environment. But what about the mind ? If you're badly hurt in a relationship, it's your soul that is hurt. Psychological damages are way more deleterious on the long term for a person and which may not be recovered so easily than when the immune sytem react to new viruses. It's just not the same injury, not the same pain not the same recover, not the same scars. One will heal cause it's purely physical and get stronger, the other, healing is not so sure.

You got a point and in Real life that is totally true. But in omegaverse, as I understood of this universe relationships are slightly different there is this notion of true love when a couple found their bonded partner, and that's what I'm talking about when I bring fidelity in the équation of love in omegaverse

Ohhh, I see, okayyyy- basically, we come from two different sides of beliefs, so that might be why we disagree. + I picked the immune system examples to make sure it was clear what I was trying to say. I understand that the heart heals differently, but even if it does, we still gain more knowledge on what is good and what is bad for us. Most of the time, hearing about something won't save us from making that mistake - that's why work experience is so much more valuable than 'book' knowledge, especially in professions. Humans tend to think "well, that won't happen to me".
Also, I don't really think of the spirit that high, or I'm not even sure if it exists (same in omega-verse. In some comics, writers explore the idea that what Omegas feel for Alphas and vice-versa (the fated pair) is just a biological match - meaning "you'll make good babies that will survive easier in the wild" (& I'm saying 'in the wild', bc it takes millions of years for a function or smth similar to it to disappear from a species' biological coding/drive.( I feel like omega-verse developed on these principles bc, in many interpretations, they have an evolution process identical to us and are in an environment that is nearly indifferent to ours.))). In those comics some fated pairs who believed they would be happier with a stranger they just met and felt a 'zing' for ended up forming abusive relationships ( bc what if the alpha assigned to you by the big mamma nature is a misogynistic dick who thinks you're only good for babies and seggs?) At the end of the day, seeing how both these dynamics have a heat and rut cycle, the core purpose of these two are to reproduce since the cycles would have been useful and more successful for leaving behind offspring before death and continuing the clan/pride. (Fun fact lol, a higher chance of leaving offspring is also thought to be linked to why men have morning wood.).
BASICALLY, I think fated pairs are not liked to being soulmates and bonding is just a way to keep the omega in place from hoeing around. Soulmates are something that needs to be found through getting to know the person, not their pheromones bc humans are far more complex than other monogamous animals. ( It might be a little too scientific for a made-up world, haha, but I analyze stupid things when I have a random energy blast to feel bored).
& I ABSOLUTELY AGREE ON THE RELATIONSHIP PART. Sometimes it's much better to divorce but it's also a decision that takes a lot of time to make, believe me, I know. There are a lot of fears and corners that come with starting off from ground one, especially if your partner is a dick who wants to take the child away and leave you in the streets. + Although I know some ppl prefer marriage to a closed relationship, it all depends on the person. I don't encourage cheating, but if BOTH partners agree that they want to see other ppl to fulfill their fantasies & all - I think it's totally fine. Sometimes, you just can't force yourself to do something that your partner wants to try, but it also doesn't mean that you should suppress said partner's wants and needs.
In all honesty, Dojin and Hyesung could work BUT THEY NEED COUPLE THERAPY LIKE- ON GOD. Dojin has some problems with jealousy/insecurities and Hyesung hasn't addressed a lot of his inner conflicts, therefore, he can't really give someone else the love that they want until he comes at peace with himself and his own problems. Like, I really want to see them be happy and loving towards each other. I want to see them bake a cake together for Byul's 3rd birthday party ヾ(❀^◡^)ノ~, have fun & wild vacation in Bahamas where they'd look more in love than ever with romantic background music & moreeee. They have issues, but so does everyone. As soon as they resolve them it'll be the most satisfying ending to a story.
As an artist, I'm really picky with how the manga is drawn- BUT THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR IN TERMS OF EXHIBITIONISM. I like this a lot~~ I love that the seme treats the uke right & doesn't forget he has a cock (gives him bjs) bc in a lot of these heteronormative mangas, ukes are being treated as though they're just a chick with an accessory in the front.