Does the trick work tho? im curious...

I know of a method where you soak a stained (with red wine obviously XD) shirt in white vinegar and then you wash with liquid detergent and warm water
Indeed doing this as soon as possible helps, it becomes more difficult as times passes.
But from my knowledge you should also pop it in a washer and let it be washed more thoroughly cause alcohol smells idk though maybe that's a personal pet peeve or sth
Also I believe our MC used white wine right? Dk how similar it is to vinegar chemically

I wonder what happend to jieun after she died. I think she suffered about rumour or something about comparing the MC and her or something...it's just a hunch tho...

the prince had always loved her, but the poison manipulate his thoughs, so when the mc died Jieun kinda found out, the stress made her lose the baby, the prince just regret all he did with mc and jieun was criticized by all the empire and have no one in her side, like u guess, all this people compared her with mc, so she started to hate aristia and blame her for all this
hypocrite, because mc didn't choose to die ( ̄へ ̄)

Don't worry guys I read all through this and she gets what she deserves.
In the end we find out she could have gone home and never have to come there and go to back to her friends and family . But nope she felt like the FL was at fault and it was all her fault what happened to her so she chose to go back for Revenge And lost.
Expose the bitch already!!!!
but i can wait...