Yoo why are some of ya'll angry at the duke for not trusting her??? Like hell yeah i won't trust her bc
1. She sus af
2. "I love you"
3. Literally didn't explain anything #-.-)
Ofc we know she's trustworthy but how would he???? Sure she freed him from being brainwashed but she could've done that to gain to try and gain his trust then betray him (she's not doing that and we know it but if you're a normal person and NOT a READER, then you're obv gonna be sus of her)

If there's anyone i don't like more than Yuliana, it's the Saintess whatever her name is. Ik a lot of people are starting to like her but idk i guess i just didn't like how she tried to harm Cecile but still gets to have a happy ending. Yuliana gets a pretty terrible ending so I'm alright with her, especially since I'm busy being irritated by the Saintess. I mean, i ship her A LOT with the knight but i still don't like her, i don't like that i ship her with the knight, and i don't like that she gets a happy ending. But maybe I'm just a revenge-seeking btch
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ (i can imagine the amount of dislikes this is gonna get and hopefully, i get as much as i imagine lol)

I was scanning the comments and omg i can't believe some people think that having sex with someone who's drunk and can't give consent isn't considered rape. They even said that they would be okay if they were on her shoes since he's so handsome. The hell is wrong with y'all????

They even put the blame on the FL who was being forced into the marriage. He even put threats to her life. She wasn't given a choice from the start and people are so quick to blame her for wanting to be out of a marriage that was being forced upon her and she had no options to choose from the start. Now the ML is playing victim and some ignorant people are sympathizing with him because he's portrayed as handsome by the artist.

IKR. I'm pretty sure the people who blamed the FL would pretty much do the same thing she did if they were to be transmigrated in a novel and be married to someone they KNOW is an obssessive, toxic asshole who might likely hurt u if u do something he might not like. Of course, she wouldn't like to marry him at first. She knows how he treated the FL from the novel she transmigrated to.

But he was in the right mind! He knew what he was doing. Just know that there's a big difference between being intoxicated/tipsy and being drunk af. That's why u can still drink a little and drive without being jailed - because they're not drunk! Theu can think straight! They know what exactly they're doing!

I think they were both originally tipsy, but she passed out and woke back up then they slept together so I do not know if she was still drunk at that point because she has the flash back and clearly comments on his abilities to her friend. I think her issue is that she thought she slept with a man whore that would not even look back at a one night stand and he is anything but that type of person.

I still wouldn't consider it rape. Perhaps if it were real and modern then yes, but during the settings time period this is the least rapey thing. I mean she put the moves on him, yeah he shoulda said no but he too wasn't in the right mind. Never was. If she wasn't able to consent and he also wasn't able to consent, where's the line?
Also man was drinking throughout the night, I doubt he was under the legal driving limit.

Just because there are alcoholic beverages, doesn't mean everyone is going to drink them. And just because someone drank wine does not mean they would immediately become drunk. There was never a scene with him drinking and he was perfectly sober the whole time. He knew what he was doing.
By your logic, everyone went home drunk wine and went home drunk just because "there are alcoholic beverages". LMFAOOO

Wow, victim blaming. Classic.
"I mean she put the moves on him." Wow.
Just because there are no laws about it in their country in the webtoon,doesn't cancel the rape.
Imagine you were so fucking intoxicated and then a SOBER guy takes advantage of you. Instead of contacting authorities, your relatives etc and bringing you home, he brings you to his place then has sex with you, but you couldn't consciously consent because you were drunk then suddenly forces you to get married by putting the blame on you but you couldn't even remember what happened because you were that drunk, how would you feel? Not only that, makes threats to taking your life?
Imagine if the guy was ugly, because I somehow feel like you would still try to make an excuse that it wasn't rape if the guy was handsome like what you're doing right now with Ripley's situation.

Considering I've been raped myself? Very insensitive of you to assume I'm not knowledgable on the topic. That isn't victim blaming, she herself CLEARLY doesn't view it as rape. I know you see it that way. And yes I believe drunk people can't properly consent. However the next day she consented. She wasn't mad they slept together. Also personally I don't think the dukes that attractive, don't like his eyebrows or how his eyes are drawn, but attractiveness has nothing to do with the situation?
Also he couldn't bring her home, he didn't exactly know who she was. He's a duke. She's the daughter of a count.
You're being ridiculous.

Which part of what I said says you were not knowledgable of rape? You were victim blaming by saying "I mean she put the moves in him". Being a victim of rape yourself does not mean someone else can't be a victim too, just because you experienced it. You know she was drunk and you know drunk people can't properly consent, but you're making excuses that it wasn't rape just because she doesn't "view" it as rape. You're a victim of rape yourself so you should know not all rape victims react the same. How can she find the time to be mad right when he was downright blaming her for what happened and was even threatening her???
You were saying he was drunk and intoxicated and clearly implying he was not at fault by saying he was drunk himself, and I provided my points. He was clearly not drunk and was perfectly sober.
How can someone consent the next day right after it happened???
Exactly, he did not know who she was, so why would he bring her to his home and to his bed even instead of a guest room, instead of contacting authorities, or trying to get a hold of her relatives/guardians? As you said he's a duke, he could've use his wealth, conncections or his people to track who she was???

He forced her into a marriage she didn't want with threats to her life and thinking he was fated to someone else, naturally she did what she thought was best and that was to get out of that situation in a desperate manner (faking accident). Now he PLAYS VICTIM and made threats of violence again. In a later chapter, he admitted he KNEW she didn't want to get married but still didn't break it off and STILL CONTINUED TRAPPING HER. And some people are blaming her for "lying" when she just wanted to get out of a situation she didn't want to be in, in the first place probably because they sympathize with the ML's sob words, completely forgetting and disregarding that he also made threats with those sob words. He is toxic but SOME people will forget that because he's got the "pretty boy" face and after all, they will end up together anyway because this is normally how it goes. Tropes of victims ending up with their rapists.

I don't understand why people think that the FL was being petty. And they even compared her trauma with the ML's. Trauma isn't something that should be compared, or belittled. I was a lil bit frustrated with the FL at first, but not anymore. I'm more frustrated with the comments that belittled the FL's trauma. In reality, so many people have become depressed and even suicidal with just bullying and from guilt of whatever they have done, and they think that's just being petty??

I was kinda lowkey shipping aya with her unrequited love (i forgot the guy's name) Idk but I think I'd like it if they show two sides of love/relationships. One that stays together and one that breaks up. I want a bonus chapter where aya and kawasumi's bestfriend are already grown up and they talk about how things and that he has already broken up with his gf before and maybe he even dated another girl in college or smth. And idc what happens next(if they get in a relationship or not) as long as the bonus chapter shows some chemistry between them.
Ok but that Lady Arial looks cute when she's scared (≧∀≦) unlike that blonde bitch