He is intoxicated and they are not even in a relationship, clearly rape for me!
This is soooooo unnecessary!

I mean personally I've seen some very horrible stuff so the fact that he's said yes although he's drunk and actually enjoying it and not fighting is a win the bar is literally in hell with bls nowadays for me this is defiantly dub con but I wouldn't say rape it seems wrong to me to label this as rape when I've see other bls were it is truely terrible with no signs of agreement just abuse but I still others are welcome to their own opinions

This is very much rape, it doesn't matter if there are more horrible plots. Legally AND morally it is classified as rape, it doesn't matter if he was happy or "enjoying it." He's DRUNK and knows nothing, him saying "yes" whilst he's drunk to the core is NOT consent, it is rape. That's why it is a law because heavily drunk people cannot consent to anything. Just because you have seen worse things doesn't mean it isn't rape.
He can only redeem himself, because it's fantasy and we know that he truly means it and he was raised/ he lives in a world, where they treat others not as human beings. So, that someone like him realises his feelings and his mistakes and asks for forgiveness is something huge!
But if it was in real life: RUN BOY
This 100%, it works in fiction but real life, no way!