im sry but everything felt so off in this like some parts were like "ok chill, cool" yk but then other parts made me like "huh...?" this was sorta badly paced and literally its one problem after another and like one chapter after a problem was solved another just magically appears in the following chapter like wat????

wait a damn minute hold up so is this manhua good or bad bc y'all are giving me mixed emotions I haven't read this yet and now im contemplating on whether or not I should

Look so everyone has mixed feelings about this because in first timeline of her life the crown prince was a horrible horrible person and executed her in the end and the current timeline he literally cries for her to be with him and literally loves her to death so I just don't.. but I do think think that it's not his fault what his old self did because in this timeline he is such a good and responsible person .. you know what just give it a go you won't lose anything and it's quite fun and good
heyhey just wondering if this is completed or not bc some ppl r saying there's gonna be side stories so I just wanted a confirmation before I start reading
the main plot has finished and there will be some side stories later!
tysmm <3