I just love how we aren't here for Gesuit's shit. Like, he tried to justify forcing a child into isolation because ONE person's selfishness. Do you understand how much he suffered over something that NEVER had anything to do with him. Then you give a whack ass apology and an even whacker excuse as to why YOU couldn't lift a curse YOU ORIGINALLY cast?
Bitch, the door.┗(•ˇ_ˇ•)―→

I believe people cheat, just to do it! I still cannot fathom why anyone would want to cheat on Ginger!!! She's so fun to be around, but yet all they want is the 'sexy one'. Then Ms. Sexy turns around and treats them like trash, because she knows they'll always come back!! Some men just might be masochists.ಠᴥಠ
The man needs to bite the dust, go west, kick the bucket, pop one's clogs, pushing up daisies, sleep with the fishes, trip the light fantastic, joined the church triumphant, take a dirt nap.
You catchin' what I'm throwin'? The man's gotta hit the road.
So poetic I...*sobs* I'm sorry it's...just so touching ┗( T﹏T )┛