Feilong loves Asami.They need to stop acting like they don't.#-.-)

Pray yaoi's heaven that Sensei will give us smexy moments with Fei and Asami. I want my pc burning with their passion!!!!

Oh he does not. And Asami doesn't love him. Grow up.

Instead we need that in poster size in color!!

wallpaper size bro

Oh no them together would be a nightmare ! Idc what fei long feels asami loves aki for sure. Fei will find love someday and he's well aware that asami never loved someone like he loves aki . U know he knew him long ago and he knows he's not the type to do all that for just anyone. Tho i believe asami had some feels for fei in the past but it's different now.

Asami loves FeiLong. He will prove it by action.

By doing Fei from behind? I'm just waiting that from aaaages! ヾ(☆▽☆)

Asami will find out the blowjob "not so smart" takaba did to hairy dude and will dump him for good
and have sex with Feilong out of spite

Loves fei long my ass -_- then why don't u explain to me why he rejected him all along and chose aki even tho fei told him he loved him huh? U gotta accept it honey not everybody gets a happy ending we can't put charas together just because we feel like it this story is about asami and aki : the cover , the name " loveprize in viewfinder" , the flow of actions everything is about them so u gotta accpet it.

Takaba gave blowjob to that nasty guy (don't remember his name) in exchange of information. That dude took some photos and Takaba did a voice recording. I don't think Takaba had the time to take his recordings from the attacked house and now he's forgotten in the middle of the mountains without any proof of his innocence.

The previous volume.

Fei loves Yoh. Yoh loves Fei. (Fnder no rakuin)
Asami does not love Fei. Fei no longer loves Asami.(Finder and finder no rakuin)
Asami loves Akihito
Aki loves Asami
it seems to me all clear and simple.
I have been bamboozled once again...I hiss at you