Are we not going to talk about what happened on Yuri On Ice yesterday??
I think that the kiss scene between Victor and Yuuri really did happen.
If it was only a hug, their head should be next to each other (yuri head blocked viktor's) but instead their nose next to each other, and it was close range
and damn did your see thir gaze after that?????
Try to imagine the rest of viktor face, you should know where his lips were
It's confirmed that they really did kissed. The actual drawing of the scene is posted on the main artist's Twitter page. There's also a video of them actually kissing without Vik's arm in the way of their kiss.
This is their way to make us buy the dvd
Nice strategy by making us rotten girl go crazy
SPOILER victor is going to die in episode 8
i dun think this is the main artist's account so this is probably not the one shes talkin about but here it is anyway https://twitter.com/Akimaro/status/799067299374186496
I don't even watch the anime and I looked up the scene, but that's def a kiss
Viktors not going to die..jeez enough with that bullshit.. (︶︿︶)=凸They will make a season 2 with that fanthom if they killed him they wouldnt have a purpose.Their goal is to surpass Free that its still famous after 4-5 years.And they are going to do it.And the anime still has 5 episodes more.Kill him in the 8th one? People plz don't believe this shit.
It was a kiss and it wasn't uncensored in my opinion.They were in a crowd so of course Viktor had to do it somehow so that nobody would understand (haha everyone did though) what about yuri's family reaction? Would they react like that if it was a hug? Like omg he hugged him for the 6847 time.And enough with that censorship bullshit.That anime doesnt have censorship i mean look at the asses and the other guy who cums while ice skating.He even grabbed yuris ass.It was a kiss check the original artists twitter or some legit tumblr posts. I believe they plan to make a real kiss scene in the other episodes it's still too soon.
Check this out
Can u plz send me the link where the director says that? I want to post it in an annoying yoi page where people say that he is very sick and he is going to die without a doubt and i want to wave that proof in their faces. Thank u in advance <3
I'm not trying to be mean or anything but out of all the great manga that Junko has made why did she decide to make Watashi ga Motete Dousunda into an anime??Like really,I really dislike that anime/Manga.But like all of her other manga were so great.
In my opinion it's because it's shoujo. I don't think it was her choice but it was prob the only one that got an anime offer so she went with it. It's sad and I know. They would rather animate something shallow to join the tropes instead of something meaningful. That being said, I do like the show, it's not as annoying as reverse harem
I have been bamboozled once again...I hiss at you