Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Contract Grand Duchess

If you’re going to tl to a language other than English, please put it in the title of the chapter. I opened it thinking it was a new update for all the English speakers and it turns out it wasn’t.

How can you take her to someone you all know so intimately and not explain anything to her? Making her feel completely left out and on the outside when you invited her onto the trip is super rude.

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Otameshi Delivery Lover

First couple was amazing and I loved them but the second couple… why is this enabling him? Like yes, he’s working now but he learnt absolutely nothing else. No life skills, no interpersonal developmental skills, no soft skills, nothing. He can do basic chores (which even my 4 year old cousins can help out with) and he can do basic waitering. Those don’t teach him independence or responsibilities. Those are things he should have learnt as a young child. I 100% blame the parents but as soon as he became an adult, it became his own duty to learn. I hate it when people enable others to do bare minimum and get praise and respect. It’s not respectable to do bare minimum. That’s your basic duty as an able bodied/minded human…

Qxeen_zxy followed a list

Contains all old man yaoi I could ever find. All of these guys are 35+. Mostly contains yaoi with old ukes or both of the guys are old men. There are some with old man semes as well, but it depends on whether I read them or find them.

05 06,2024
Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Twilight Cure Important

Give me some old man romances please and thank you! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Karini mo Renai

Mama is so sick of everyone’s shit! I’m sure they love the drama but being a free therapist and relationship councillor to someone who won’t listen is probably really tough…

Ch40 is the same as ch39. Why is there a duplicate? Is this like that for anyone else?

Why don’t authors add in the redemption arc anymore? Why is it “I treat you like trash because I love you then I realise that I can love you so I do.” AND THEY ACCEPT THAT TREATMENT!! If I was the FL, I’d slap the shit out of the ML for switching up like that. Nuh uh. Earn my trust back stupid!

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Viola Tames the Duke

Play dumb games, win stupid prizes robina! Get screwed! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Boy you had a “limb” and completed almost double her questions yet you STILL FAILED? What a waste of space. Don’t be mad at anyone else but yourself for your incompetence you fool.

I think I prefer him over dog boy traitor. Like out of all the other people around her, Callisto actually listens to her and he’s got absolutely nothing to gain from it. He’s a prince. He can just order her and that be that. Also he has authority and obviously he has strength so he can protect her. The traitor sold her out and her brothers are back to being nonsense and bunny boy magic is no where to be seen so isn’t the only option Callisto? He’s no longer a violent tyrant. Why is she still hesitating? I know she doesn’t have time but if she rushes an engagement ceremony then at least she can’t be kicked out or killed.

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

I love love LOVE zen having fun time with Al but can we just… wtf was up with that other dom? Can someone report him please? Can Al dom glare this bitch into oblivion? I wanna enjoy my ship without the flies sticking around please and thank you.

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Arthur

Captain will get fired. I hope he gets sued and fired. He was told that they should pull him out and he said “nah… keep him suffering!” And this is what happens. Someone else said that next chapter should be skipped if anyone is triggered by what we all can guess will happen next. I’ll be skipping it so if anyone who reads it finds out anything vital to the story in that chapter, please comment about it.

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Can't Think Straight

“What we have now is enough”

They warm my heart so much! He’s just truly in love with her and he shows it in his thoughts, actions and words! I love this manga so much!

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Ditch tak and have the rest of the story be about the brother? Maybe big bro can find sanho a better man but big bro doesn’t make me wanna pull my hair out and tak is making me wanna DNF this whole book and rate it poorly even tho the original couple weren’t THAT bad. wtf is author thinking by dragging this out so long idk.

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Are We Still in Love?

How did her foot touch his leg when the table is in the middle of the room and each of the chairs are half a foot at least away from the edge of the table? I think the artists/authors messed up there. Not that this story is doing its best but it’s just baffling that they overlooked such an obvious mistake.