Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Again

Being that rude to someone your child obviously loves more than life itself is just unforgivable. Aren’t parents meant to try to make their kids lives happy? He isn’t hurting anyone or offending anyone who has common sense so where’s the issue? Children aren’t meant to live out parents fantasies so to push her narrative and to “test” our baby over something that could simply be explained as “we really love our child and we want nothing bad to come to them. We hope you love them as much as we do. If you do, we will get along just fine but if I see you mistreating my child, I won’t let it slide.” Instead of being rude and talking in twisted truths and interrogating the poor guy. Making him out to be the bad guy when your child is older than he is… wrong move lady. Your child is more than capable of looking after himself.

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Remnant JUJIN Omegaverse

That last panel was REALLL!! I always wanna kiss and cuddle my cats but everytime I do, I GET FUR IN MY MOUTH AND ON MY NOSE AND ALL OVER MY FACE I still do it tho but STILL why must floof come with a con? It’s so unfair!

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Vanilla Taste

He’s all kinds of wrong. The actual son is much better at bdsm than the fake one. Also, it’s so stupid to kick someone out and get mad at them but then want them to stay longer. If I didn’t fall in love with sodam and want to adopt the little baby, i would have dropped this. I hope he gets with the real brother out of spite and break both of their hearts! Neither of them are worthy but at the very least, sodam can get a rebound.

Qxeen_zxy followed a list

Here on this list you’re going to find all the Dom x sub universe stories that I could find. 

What’s Dom/sub verse?
It’s like an omegaverse, but the second gender is divided by Dom, sub and normal. The Dom wishes to control and the sub wishes to be controlled. 

They’re not all bl, so be aware of that.
I’ll put a brief summary of them and my opinion while reading.

If you have any suggestions, please, send me them <3 

14 10,2023
Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Good Boy Addiction

Don’t do what he did. You have limits for a reason. I’m okay with a lot of pain but there’s a limit and I can’t mentally or physically pass it. There’s usually two mental limits, a soft limit which is your comfort zone and a hard limit which is things you won’t even consider doing. You can’t change your limits without significant trauma before the change. You’d need to go through horrible things over and over and only then will your brain will naturally grow a tolerance for the pain in order to protect you. In fact, sometimes it will numb you to the pain and trick you into thinking it’s pleasurable. Not all submissive or masochists are the way they are cause horrific trauma cause ptsd responses in their body but it can be a cause of EXTREME masochism (wanting to be beat half to death in order to get off is definitely extreme masochism). Most people in bdsm will struggle because it’s hard to find someone with similar boundaries as you. Also, doms have boundaries and limits too! I’m a switch sadomasochist and I have limits for each way. The dom has a limit against causing HARM to their sub or loved one. They want total domination. They want full trust and the sub to give him their whole life in his hands. He isn’t necessarily into torture but by giving the sub total pain and then total praise and care, he’s getting what he needs which is 100% ownership. For him, a “slave” submissive would probably be better than using a dating app to find a regular sub. The issue that some have with “slave” submissives is that they don’t want the care or praise or loving attention. Since he needs both, it would be best for him to have two partners. One he loves and one that satisfies the sadist in him. He gets trust from both in different capacities and that would be best in an ideal world. Ofc it’s hard to get that. He did cheat in this case and I hope the baby sub gets to learn that he doesn’t need to change in order to find a partner. Plenty of doms are “soft” doms and are more into the praise and their way of punishment is a little more creative as opposed to violent. He should look specifically for that. I hope they work it out tho because there’s definitely a middle ground and subs have been known to be trained by doms to tolerate more pain in order to feel more ultimate pleasure and reach sub zone. I feel like training would be better than throwing him in the deep end with asphyxiation play. Choking play would be better than asphyxiation cause it’s pressing on a different part of the throat so you can still breathe. Choking pushing your arteries which forces you to be lightheaded. Asphyxiation is cutting off oxygen completely. Neither should be attempted without a test run of a lighter version first. Then you gradually get harder until the sub is slightly uncomfortable (for mediums nor extremes). The dom seems inexperienced in training which sucks. That’s the issue with domsub books. It’s a lot of misinformation and not perfect representation of what bdsm actually is including the more violent side of it… still the dom seemed really respectful until this cheating scene so.. let’s hope they do better in the future.

Idk who you are… but I love your belt and want it for myself!

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Hired to Love

All those chapters are wrong. None of them belong to this webtoon. 50 is the last chapter we have for hired to love. To whoever uploaded them, please take them down. They don’t belong here and I think it’s best if you check the last chapter of the book you are uploading to make sure they are the same book as a lot of different books may have the same or similar names in English.

He’s probably never known love because he’s never been shown what it’s meant to feel like from either end… I hope he gets shown and TOLD “this is love.” “I do xyz thing because I want to show you that I love you” and hopefully he will learn that love is this slightly painful and tight but fuzzy feeling in your soul that warms you up no matter the weather and sometimes can make you angry or cry. I hope he sees it as worth the trouble to pursue.

The person who invented the Jacobs ladder… thank you

Qxeen_zxy followed a list

I essentially created this list when I was looking for the most graphic yaoi I could find.

List includes one or more of the following: sexy ass shots, uncensored, cosplay, toys, bdsm, fetishes, any other kind of kink. Mostly, I just like anything that is incredibly detailed and kinky.

This list is in no particular order. It's just whenever I read/reread the manga.

This list is continued in Hardcore/Explicit Yaoi 2!

19 09,2023
Qxeen_zxy followed a list

Surprised by the number of people following this I bet y’all are thirsty as fuck 

Anyway, enjoy this list! Comment down below if you liked it or helped you find anything you adored 

19 09,2023
Qxeen_zxy followed a list

୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨ 

what to expect from this list-

1) Big Dick
2) Big Dick
3) Big Dick

Ass  wrecker ratings - 1-5 
Belly bulge - 


•║[]║• ║[]║• ║[]║• ║[]║• ║[]║• ║[]║• •║[]║• ║[]║• ║[]║•

Tags: big dick yaoi
19 09,2023
Qxeen_zxy followed a list

୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨ 

List here mainly consists of stories with -

Dom/Sub universe - 
bdsm plots
submissive mcs
sub space - a trance state that subs enter when they are completely under dom's control - 



19 09,2023
Qxeen_zxy created a topic of No Arguing With Mr. Mo

He has trauma and he’s stressed out. He’s right. He thinks everyone only loves him because of his capable side and that no one will ever care for the vulnerable side. He can’t keep being capable 24/7. Mr mo couldn’t even say whether or not he could love the weak and vulnerable side. There’s nothing that would give xiao confidence that he can let another person in and that he can trust them. Even I wouldn’t date someone I loved if I had any doubts that they would love me at my lowest. Everyone wants someone who would embrace you and tell you you are beautiful and loveable when you feel the most ugly and undeserving of love. Xiao is no expectation. Everyone expects so much from him but never once asks what it is that HE wants. He’s so busy taking care of everyone that everyone forgets that he needs to be taken care of too. Mr mo couldn’t promise to take care of him emotionally and spiritually. He has money and can financially take care of him but that’s not the only thing that matters in life. Stop the slander just because one person is doing it so you all think it’s right. Xiao isn’t intentionally stringing Mo along. Xiao set up a fwb no strings attached relationship and Mo strayed from that. Xiao made no promises about loving Mo or this eventually being a relationship. Mo knew what xiao wanted and ignored it then got upset at him about it. Why would xiao have to compromise himself when he wasn’t in the wrong at all? If Mo was catching feelings, he could have said it and xiao would have ended it like he did. Y’all are unbelievable for making it seem like he did something wrong.

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Yours to Claim

Jooin is a horrible person rn for stringing both guys along. I feel for yahwi because he’s doing the best he can with his trauma but tbh he had every opportunity to come clean and tell jooin who he is. Cain has always been sus to me. He seems kind but it feels fake. He knows jooin struggles with trust issues yet does NOTHING to calm those doubts down. Yahwi is probably the only one I feel bad for or feel anything other than resentment towards. Jooin was treated badly by yahwi so it makes sense to treat him badly back but what about cain? He has no right for that. Cain is playing a long con and I don’t know what it is which bothers me. Yahwi is the only one with an actual reason as to why he’s such a trashy person. Jooin has half a reason which only applies to one person and cain is an enigma and I don’t even think cain knows who cain is! The author is very good at getting me to hate all of the characters yet still be so invested in the story. I hope we see some progress soon because this annoyance is good for a short while but if it drags on, I don’t think finding out the end of the story will be worth the journey us readers had to go through to get to it…

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of As Long As You

He even wrote that he read the diary accidentally and apologised ╥﹏╥ what a great relationship they have! If my partner doesn’t love me like this, I don’t want them

This story doesn’t give the uke enough time to really and truly think about what it means to be in a relationship and to be jealous and learn all of the semes good points and basically realise “oh damn… I’ve been in love with him all along and that’s why my relationships never work out!” But this story doesn’t have that. That’s a normal and really healthy way to portray straight x gay but this is just gay forcing straight into a relationship by holding their friendship hostage. The straight guy only agreed so the gay guy wouldn’t leave his side. Yes he may eventually fall for him but this book misses all the charm that is a straight x gay romance book. The end was cute but I don’t think it sits right with me that the uke only agreed because the seme one sidedly wanted to disappear. At the very least explain that it’s too hard to stay and that straight friend intimacy is very damaging when the gay guy is in love with you. Don’t just disappear because that puts it as HIS fault. It’s not his fault.

I hate the brother and I actually hope he stays in the coma. I want him to die but I think coma will be better because I really can’t kill the sliver of hope in our cinnamon roll. His ex bf can die tho. He liked our Cinnabon and yet left him in such a rude way and NOW he comes to support him once it’s all over? Nuhuh you don’t get to come back and act like nothing happened. He may need support but he will NEVER need your support again. He only needs support from the brothers friend and his childhood friend. I hope everyone leaves Cinnabon alone now and let’s him live his life without having to deal with extra stress and being told it’s all his fault. Nothing was ever his fault. Not a single thing was his doing in this whole story. Everything bad that happened only happened because of the big brother but it all affected the little brother the most. I wish there was a reason in the law to lock up the big brother cause that was years of abuse that our baby didn’t need to go through. I’m so angry. Author did us all wrong by assuming we’d be fine with the redemption arc being him getting stabbed and his friend saying “he never really blamed you tho? It’s not your fault. He got stabbed for you because your his brother!” Like that’s going to help us and baby forgive the brother ( ̄へ ̄)

Story one gets 5/5. It’s so fun and cute and it’s really respectful which is rare in yaoi. It has cute animals which is always going to be a plus.

Second story gets 2/5. Childhood best friends/partners but there’s a lot of pushing into sex. I’m not totally satisfied with the way the top acts and it actually totally put me off. The neko was also pretty annoying because he never held onto his boundaries. It also felt super rushed. I wish it was longer and I wish the confession happened sooner in the chapter and not at the last few panels.