Qxeen_zxy's feed

“Teachers” who whip children should be whipped and flogged themselves until they are a blood mess and need to be carted off on a hospital bed. Hopefully then they will understand that hitting someone isn’t the same as correcting bad behaviour, it’s simply a horrible and outdated punishment. Besides it was originally for thieves and criminals so whoever started doing it to children is the real villain but those who carried it on bear the same sin. Children are either too young to understand why they are being hit and therefore shouldn’t be hit or they are too old and are capable of understanding concepts taught and therefore should once again not be hit since you can gently teach them! Corporal punishment is for criminals and disobedient soldiers where mistakes = death. It shouldn’t be brought outside of those sectors. I’m saying this as a child who was hit and beat my whole life. The only thing it did was put me into survival mode my entire existence and that forced my reproductive organs to push me into an early puberty since it didn’t believe I’d live as long as I have. There’s scientific evidence that backs that up. Hitting children does nothing but make them become adults far too early and possibly introduce them to a world of kinks and fetishes that they otherwise wouldn’t have. I get this is a book but I HATE people who hurt children. Even if they are “monsters”, they are still children.