Qxeen_zxy's feed

I don’t think he had necessarily “bad” intentions when asking but this isn’t something you spring on the gf you barged into. You ask your sibling first about their circumstances. Also, it’s none of your business in the first place. He had a good heart and came from a kind place but he’s so off base and so wrong for what he did. That may be your baby brother but he’s a grown adult. Treat him like a man who can make decisions for himself and protect himself. Your job as sibling isn’t to “protect from all harm” but rather “help pick up the pieces to keep them whole”. You allow them to travel through life just like you had the luxury of doing but you become their support system for it. If they fall, you pick them up. That’s how it works. As a new older sister myself (my sister just turned 2), it’s been a learning bf curve that I needed to go through myself to realise that I won’t be able to prevent her from falling on the floor or doing dangerous things all the time but I CAN give her a hug and make things as safe as possible while still allowing her her roaming space. This older brother just needs to learn that his brother is no longer the bullied 8 year old anymore.