I understand wanting to make your partner mad to see a different side of them. When your partner is super kind and loving and restrained, you feel like they are holding themselves back and you want them to give you the full brunt of their passion. That being said, don’t ever use jealousy as the method to make them angry. Knock over a plant, break a dish in the sink, tell them that their shirt is the wrong way round to annoy them even if it isn’t, but NEVER fake cheat. It’s disrespectful and cruel and can ruin your whole relationship with that person. They might never trust you again and with this couples trust issues… I don’t think it would survive. I’d rather make my partner lust over me until they had no choice but to give into the temptation and absolutely ravage me than to make them genuinely angry. He could also just express interest in certain kinks and try them out together. Like the friend said, he’d probably do whatever his bf asked him to do without question.