Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Be, Be

Fire the secretary?? Like.. your boss is the “princess” and yet, all your actions are for the benefit of the king and other royalty? You don’t even consider what the “princess” wants but you still keep your job as a personal secretary??? I’d fire him. I would genuinely be like “um can I speak to your superior please?” Cause no way in hell am I putting my trust and life in the hands of someone who doesn’t want my best interests. You want someone to give birth from a freak knotting event the first time they go into heat?? You don’t even want them to have the option to get used to the new changed their body is going through? Really? Absolute madness.


“I may be a beast.. but I an your husband, you know?”

Wow wow wow more of this please and thank you!!

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Faithful Dog

But babe he was also being ridiculed in those rumours so since you, as his superior, aren’t going to protect your subordinates from workplace discrimination and bullying… he’s gonna have to put all of those bitches in their place. If you don’t wanna do the work, someone else will. Don’t get prissy just because an intern had the balls to do something when the director lacked any.

How are you gonna show you’re innocent but you won’t tell who it was? Also, he was so right with the gay comment. You’re gonna say that you can’t trust a gay to be discreet about another gay? Knowing that gay A has also gone through the woes of being gay and closeted?? Absolute nonsense. For the sake of your relationship with your partner, you simply say “you aren’t supposed to know this but it’s xx person. I’m only telling you so that we can clear up our misunderstanding but they aren’t out babe so you need to act like you don’t know.” and then you can carry on with the rest of your convo but to act like a queer person cannot be confidential about another queer person is rubbish. I admire him for being confidential but I don’t for him allowing a misunderstanding to continue when there’s a very simple solution.

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Work Love Balance

I wanna keep him. Main couple can stay main coupling but that man is mine!

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

You think he doesn’t know that? The matter of the fact is that children are hard wired in their brains to unconditionally love their parents and seek approval from them. It’s basic biology. So why is it that no one ever asks “what tf did the parent do that would overwrite the hard wiring in the child? How badly did they screw up in order to force the child to hate someone they were biologically forced to unconditionally love?” His mum not only abandoned him BUT ABANDONED HIM WITH AN ABUSER!! “But he turned out successful!” Means nothing if he’s suffering and has suffered all this time! People who have never been in this situation won’t understand. No one will understand what it’s like to be forced to overwrite your unconditional love and biology in order to appropriately keep yourself safe unless you’ve lived it. He was forced to endure an abuser who by the way LEFT HIM WITH SEVERE PSYCHOLOGICAL DAMAGE TO THE POINT HE CANT TASTE ANYMORE!! I don’t think people understand how messed up that is. He was abused to the point he lost one of his main senses… imagine if that sense was sight or touch or hearing. He would be considered disabled. Blindness, deaf or severe nerve damage is considered to be a huge deal but why not any of the other senses? His sense of taste has been lost. It’s one of the main senses for a reason!! We have about 30+ senses overall but only 5 made it to basic education. That’s how important they are. And his mum is the cause of him losing it by abandoning him with the dad. She deserves nothing but hatred and disdain. No wonder she never sought him out. She knew she didn’t have any right to seek him after she abandoned her own child. Which btw, mothers are biologically hard wired to prioritise their children’s safety over their own safety. What does it say about the mother that she got away on her own?

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Show Me Some Love

My man brings up some very valid points. How can you be religious and go to heaven when you select which commandments to follow and which to ignore? When you only follow the ones that hurt others? Also in the bible, it says a man shouldn’t lie with another man as he would a woman… that’s instructions not hatred towards gays!! The hole is at the back so you gotta flip him over!! Honestly I wish this gets brought up more often since it’s so hypocritical of the religious ones who hate on others. They forget that God created all to be exactly as they are so if gay is a sin, God created this person to be gay and sinful. It’s literally God created. Who are you to disagree with Gods decisions? (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of You Who Wants to Love

Why does the rabbit have fangs?? I get that he’s a jack rabbit and not a bunny but still… he shouldn’t have canines…

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Contract Grand Duchess

If you’re going to tl to a language other than English, please put it in the title of the chapter. I opened it thinking it was a new update for all the English speakers and it turns out it wasn’t.

How can you take her to someone you all know so intimately and not explain anything to her? Making her feel completely left out and on the outside when you invited her onto the trip is super rude.

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Otameshi Delivery Lover

First couple was amazing and I loved them but the second couple… why is this enabling him? Like yes, he’s working now but he learnt absolutely nothing else. No life skills, no interpersonal developmental skills, no soft skills, nothing. He can do basic chores (which even my 4 year old cousins can help out with) and he can do basic waitering. Those don’t teach him independence or responsibilities. Those are things he should have learnt as a young child. I 100% blame the parents but as soon as he became an adult, it became his own duty to learn. I hate it when people enable others to do bare minimum and get praise and respect. It’s not respectable to do bare minimum. That’s your basic duty as an able bodied/minded human…

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Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Twilight Cure Important

Give me some old man romances please and thank you! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

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30 05,2024
Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Karini mo Renai

Mama is so sick of everyone’s shit! I’m sure they love the drama but being a free therapist and relationship councillor to someone who won’t listen is probably really tough…

Ch40 is the same as ch39. Why is there a duplicate? Is this like that for anyone else?

Why don’t authors add in the redemption arc anymore? Why is it “I treat you like trash because I love you then I realise that I can love you so I do.” AND THEY ACCEPT THAT TREATMENT!! If I was the FL, I’d slap the shit out of the ML for switching up like that. Nuh uh. Earn my trust back stupid!

Qxeen_zxy created a topic of Viola Tames the Duke

Play dumb games, win stupid prizes robina! Get screwed! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Boy you had a “limb” and completed almost double her questions yet you STILL FAILED? What a waste of space. Don’t be mad at anyone else but yourself for your incompetence you fool.