holy shit i love this series so much. i just love the characters, they're so well written and the relationships between them are so heartwarming. i would have liked to see if leo would be able to find the rest of his siblings, but i'm satisfied with having the ending open like this. no matter what happens in the future, leo has now realised that there is more to him than just being a 'hero', and that he doesn't have to be alone.
pretty top x beefy bottom <3
i rlly love their relationship, it's so healthy. i hope lyle will eventually open up more about his insecurities to ash, he gets a little too into his own head sometimes and i want him to realise that ash loves him just as much as he does, and that he won't get tired of him or anything.
u guys call yamedera a psycho as if he's some cold-blooded murderer,,,, what i see is someone who is traumatised af and engages in very impulsive, self-destructive behaviour while disregarding the well-being of others,,,,, he needs to get help