why does yawhi have to be such an asshole i’m crying i’m really rooting for the both of them but like his personality is so all over the place so like bitch you better treat jooin right or i will fuckig shave your head i mean cain exist but like uuhhh not really into that kind of tropes when it’s really obvious that this story is going there but anyway
i know this story not about them but i NEED MORE JISU AND EUNHO SCENES like how can they just put them in one chapter doing the deed with absolutely gorgeous pet names and being so adorable with each other and probably have a very healthy relationship and expect not to think about it for the rest of my life ???
I've been thinking the same thing for ages!! I feel like there's so much potential there!
agree. I want more scene of those baby and daddy.
They are in chapter 52. Maybe chapter 53.
Tapas reimagining them calling themselves Tiny boy and daddy.
I love Jisu and Eunho, they are my favorite couple!! but sorry Tapas made that creepy.