"Im sorry but the art is horrible" I'm sorry for being mean, but are you blind? I don't understand people who criticize art here but have never picked up a brush in their life.

No wait I phrased that wrong fuck me I meant it's simple yet gorgeous, so author doesn't have to murder herself as much as others to create equally stunning characters. Unlike most, I decide to kill myself, come back to life and torture myself even more through my art because of every single little anatomical detail I add to make the drawing better, but I would be so blessed if I had an artstyle like this or if I wasn't a perfectionist

I'm talking about those parts https://iweb_2.mangapicgallery.com/r/newpiclink/the_king_of_loving_love/228607/228607_37300380.jpg

why the author made the rumors about the emperor being gay in the plot when he is not? he would have gone to the bedroom and found the MC there even without those rumors I just got baited into reading it thinking maybe the emperor is gay but it's had another "he is beautiful, but it's a shame that he is a man" godawful cringy line.

so from what I read people saying here the MC was after the ML instead of his brother so he used the brother to get close to the ML (which is a boring and predictable plot twist if you ask me) Also doesn't that mean the MC is a creep? ML saw his brother and MC have sex when he was in high school because ML was wearing a high school uniform which is a really gross plot twist imo.

OMG, I can't even get mad at a manhua that I was reading for 2 years that threw a pregnancy plot from nowhere AGAIN, omg where did that come from? that made me laugh way too hard. Anyway dropped. maybe I should stop reading historical Chinese BL, somehow they ALWAYS end with pregnancy even if it's not omegaverse I always get scammed goddamn.

and you started with this one? poor you. anyway, at least most of the time the authors jump-scare you with pregnancy 20 chapters in, yeah it's a lot but it's more bearable than 100 chapters omg; it's always like this bla bla anyway, you are pregnant like??? or introduce some potion or pills to make character pregnant at least give some kind of explanation like goddamn. and the MC accepts it way easily??? even for women, they feel weird about how their bodies change heck some of them avoid getting pregnant because they consider it as body horror; and you tell me MC is fine with that? even though he never thought of getting pregnant in his life?

I'M DYING NAH, THIS PLOT TWIST AIN'T EVEN GOOD. I WANNA DROP THIS SO BAD BUT MY STUPID SELF STILL WANTS TO SEE HOW THIS SHIT ENDS. And..I was kinda interested in reading more historical BLs.. But because of this shit? I think I'll pass. I hope this Manhwa ends soon so we can stop suffering..(mc too)

I promise you the ending will be boring and so predictable, if you want I will suggest historical BLs that don't end with pregnancy
Mo Dao Zu Shi
To be or not to be
Where the Dragon's Rain Falls
You Own My All
Heaven Official's Blessing
Bad Friend
I know more but most of them are ongoing who knows what will happen to those? maybe I will get a jumpscare with the pregnancy plot AGAIN. I will still consume historical BLs because I love them it's hard to drop one every time an author pulls a pregnancy plot but what can you do about it?

RIP the character who was there for 3 chapters then ended up dying and everyone acted like he was never there even the MC who is the "good guy", I don't know why he was there if the author was going to kill him and act like he never existed, the plot would be fine if the MC was alone on that hole I don't get why he was there he has zero role there.

I thought that was the case too; but didn't the author show us his job life and how his coworker treated him and showed us his inner monologue? and I don't remember the monsters had the ability to disguise themselves as humans; if he was a monster in disguise the stuff the author that showed us about his life wouldn't make any sense; also my point still stands the characters didn't give a damn about him like I know the ML is a selfish prick but I thought at least the MC will say something about it.

I think MC why like this because of the experiment that was done on him; I think he was made to eat monsters rather than humans but maybe he is that way because of that alien who knows? and I don't think that guy is a monster except if he didn't realize it, but even then the MC knows himself that he is not normal he is eating monsters and drinking blood; but we didn't see that with the guy at all, all he was ranting about was how shitty his life is.
yeah, this is definitely mpreg we can't have supernatural or magical BLs these days without authors throwing MC getting pregnant. what a fucking waste of my time that was. apparently omegaverse and straight shit is not enough we HAVE TO SHOVE BABIES EVERYWHERE. and how the fuck people are not tired of that shit? everyone is fangirling over babies in the comments. the sex wasn't even that hot for people to lose their shit over it 99% of the chapter is dick inside an asshole how the fuck do people find the inside body hot where all you see is red meat and they are in one sex position for the whole chapter.
Thats rich coming from someone who watched everything till the end
I dropped it after the pregnancy reveal; throw something else at me I literally said "What a fucking waste of my time that was" That means I dropped it
I literally don't understand how it's an own if I dropped it. but "LMFAOOKKO" I guess. keep reading your trash fire porn :)
Well, you got a point. It was surprising indeed. However the surprise wasn't so well to me either. I guess im joining you. Though i might return to see how it ends
At least learn proper grammar before attacking someone who has nothing to do with this topic
Then fuck off. Why are you even replying here? you have something to do with this topic by being here, so why are you acting like a victim? "At least learn proper grammar", huh, 'teacher'? And tell me, where was my grammar bad? Not everyone here has English as their first language. Imagine being a grammar police on a fucking pirating website where you reply with LMFAOOKKO YOU, on the other hand, should learn proper words lol.
No im not gonna fuck off. I wasn’t even replying you in the first place, you’re the one who responded being rude and now you’re swearing up a storm. I’m gonna treat you exactly how you’re treating me. I don’t care if English isn’t your first language.
also “lmfaooo” is an abbreviation get it right