the ML looks more like a millennial than a boomer tbh

I really still think it's not the case with the Manhwa while the ML acts conservatively conservative Gen Z and millennials exist and he isn't that even conservative he was fine being in a gay relationship. and I will come and say it fights between Gen z and millennials is stupid don't millennial end with 1996 and Gen Z start 1997 will I'm a millennial who was born in 1996 I'm sure I have the same experience growing as gen Z who were born 1997,1998,1999 genZ and millennial ae not that different. but maybe he gets called boomer because he is conservative IDK

what's up with Cocomic and their foggy chapters, for some reason every manhwa of their translation is foggy

scummy as fuck they are literally a pirate website, they pirate works and slap bot translation on it but somehow they charge people for it? if I'm going to pay I will wait for the official translation and pay for it, most of their translations are popular manhwa that will get official translations anyway.
honstly making the big brother dress like the kid version of the ML and then telling him not to take off the clothes to have sex with him was disgusting the MC literally was sexualizing a kid; I'm fine with psychological stuff but the ML and MC will end together so big yuck I'm dropping this.