ivy's experience ( All 0 )

ivy's answer ( All 1 )

I started reading when I was 12 lol   3 reply
07 06,2020

ivy's question ( All 2 )

about question
ivy 2 days
You know when they say that ber months are where the plot twists usually happen? Something messy just happened and its spreading around in our class and in another school.

So basically, my friend “A” is a guy in our friend group and he has a girlfriend in another school. We’ve only seen them interact a few times but they do go on dates if they aren’t busy. We only thought of them as a sweet couple and nothing else so we really did not expect them to break up. His girlfriend is an old classmate of mine and she and her friends were just talking shit about him so thats when I knew they officially broke up.

At that time, it really surprised me cause I never thought friend “A” is the type to do all those things they’ve said. So when I came to school today, my friend “C” went up to me and start asking, “Do you know what happened?” and I nodded and she quickly told me everything he has been doing. At first maybe it was all just a misunderstanding but then I understood that time that everything he did would actually make his girlfriend upset. Personally I would and I wouldnt take it.

What made me upset was that the situation couldve been held privately and i know that friend “A” is clearly on the wrong but what his girlfriend and her friends are doing isn’t good either. Friend “C” has been spreading about him so i feel bad cause I consider him a friend and i think what he has been doing is just cause he’s just really friendly.. But im not sure guys! I am in no one’s side cause I dont want to cause any drama so i want to know what really is right :)
2 days
about question
don’t really want to share too much in case someone i know sees this but i have this close friend who’s pretty mean to me in general..

He’s a guy and he teases me the most out of all my friends in our fg and then suddenly he wants to play the nice guy!

Ofc i felt very suspicious but then he would start trying to get my attention and nudge at me so i can look at his way or buy me stuff or trade stuff with each other so it can be “even”.

I thought at first that he prob just want to go through a character development arc..

But then when i became really conscious of his actions, i realized he wouldn’t stop staring at me and some cases, i’d caught him smiling at me and he would look away so fast the moment i see him.

Anddd this ONE small moment kind of really bothered me too. When i insulted him saying that he looks like a (blank) but then he said “thats my favorite thing” and then he changed my name in his contact as that favorite thing so thats what rlly makes me question, “does bro like me??”

i think bro is okay as long as he changes some of his habits He’s clearly not my type but i do enjoy the things we do despite him pushing me out.. here and there ugh.. ( ̄へ ̄)
20 days

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

come right on me ;) I mean camaraderie >.<
said u not in my time zone but u wanna be
where art thou, why not uponeth me?

1 hours
did do light makeup

I only makeup for my girl. I do my girlfriend's makeup when she needs my help.

2 hours
did have an unpopular opinion

Suckadick while reading pornhwa

2 hours