U just cry it out. Inevitably, one day u will get tired of crying abt him and stop. So until then, just cry and know that the future u will be sick of doing that sooner or later and stop eventually. There will be an end to it. Have hope in that thought. Also accept that ppl come n go bcos u have no power over their decisions. Only yours. And if u ......
Girl, I think that was your real first love. I dated one guy about 7years ago and I still bear thought about him. It's a feeling that you could never forget. You just love him dearly, and maybe I suggest you keep him as a memory and move on. I struggled for many years, and even now when I want a new relationship, I keep giving myself false hope, wi......
He def likes you girlie, and if I'm being honest, you should prob pull your friend group (besides him) aside and tell them your speculations about it too. I've seen a lot of friend groups end because of dumb shi like this and let me say, it never ends well for people like you, the victim of said friend's affection. I've been in the EXACT same......