I don't normally post inflammatory comments on mggo, but I'm getting really sick of seeing this sort of behavior all over various comics and it's really starting to get to me.
Y'all ppl complaining about other ppl complaining about a comic. There's no rule that all comments must be positive. There's no rule that says ppl have to overlook problematic elements in stories for the sake of the author's or fans' poor egos before they comment. Positive comments aren't somehow automatically more valid than negative/critical comments. Grow up. Everyone has different opinions, you need to learn to live with it and accept that not everyone's gonna love the comics you love. Trying to shame people off of an open platform just because you don't like their opinion is lame, and stinks of trying to cover up the bad parts of a story to get people to read it anyway. That does no one any good. If you want to argue their points, DO THAT. Don't tell them to go away just because they found the story lacking, or that they're not allowed to write more than five words as if y'all haven't ever seen a movie/tv/comic/book review that was more than a paragraph long, or that criticizing an author who spent time and effort on a story isn't allowed as if just putting in effort automatically means something is done well (it definitely does NOT).
We all read the story, and we're ALL provided a platform here onto which to spew our opinions, whatever they may be. If you happen to disagree with an opinion, please argue the points made. Stop telling people they're not allowed to post.

It's the same author as sadistic beauty sooo no surprise there. Love the art tho. Wonder how this will end. Hopefully not the same one in sadistic beauty side story.