I'm not a big fan of shoujo, but I really liked this one. It isn't mainstream at all, and also not full with clichés.
Even though the characters are teens, they are really mature in their own way.
No bitching around, fake friends, and such. It was very honest and pretty close to reality. You see the characters evolving, all that isn't something you always see in shoujo mangas. A good fusion between cuteness, reality, humor and dreaming. I wish there would be more from it.
... what did that person do or say, for getting such horrible comments ?
I really don't know, so please someone tell me. Thx.
He basically was getting too intense on people not using his scans.
Personally what got to me the most was when he called out someone for having a single panel of his scans posted on his tumblr, ridden of his watermark. The girl explained she found it on Facebook, and that it wasn't her that had taken out the watermark and she didn't know, then he responded all of that:
It's like, way to be way too possessive over something that you don't even own and only stole from sensei as well as being devoid of empathy :/. He was sort of full of himself at that point...
Anyway, I was getting scared of where that could be going but it looks it's going to be fine :3.
thank you :)
Awesome! Thank you!
Thank you! *giggles*