totally got it from grandpa. still a smaller scale but he has so much authority. i think it's only him and grandpa that meets in that kind of set up. everyone else would either be on desks or chairs facing each other.
shaman+celebrity genre I didn't expect it would be good. Characters look so good too.
i actually have been reading twice, once here then on whoever posted the translation. now that you guys are doing this half chapter BS, i will look for the translations somewhere. you have lost my support.
He thought the uncles in kowloon city were nice but they were just using him and hiding the fact that they are cannibals and drug dealers. He thought they had a good life in that city that was ruined by the devil. It's really sad that he was made the fool after all this time.
how did the he know to pass the message to him when he is disguised? did i miss something?
also, blonde jin is lowkey hot.
Can someone clarify why it's the MC's fault that the girl died?
I think it's the dragon's fault because he was arrogant and left everything to his greedy vassals. The dragon also don't know how to judge who are good followers vs bad.
I don't know why people are siding with the dragon when his views of everything were really twisted. The author is making it look like he is taking care of his people but he really isn't. He was also greedy and wanting absolute power. The whole caring for people around him is twisted because he is doing it for his own sake.
The fight starts at the end of Ch209 in the novel. 210 is gonna be in the manhwa next week.
Not gonna spoil anything, but I love this series so much. I can't wait for the next chapters!