Why does no one like the cousin. I hope am not the only one that likes her. She’s the victim in this case. Everyone is loving her cousin and showering her with love and attention. Even her own dad is given her cousin more love then is own daughter. Also she wants is is the same love as her cousin gets. Not one person in the house is giving her as much love as they do the fl. I wouldn’t be surprised if she turns out to be a villain because of all this.

I wouldn't say i particularly "like" her, but i do not hate her the way the majority of the fanbase seems to... i'm not overly fond of her but i do agree that she receives a lot of undeserved hate.
she is a child who is not being given proper love and attention just because her mom's a bitch...
her father doesn't wanna "deal" with her and the servants only serve her as need be...
she is constantly being compared to some cousin she's never met, even though Ellen is a different sort of special, it's hardly fair to compare them...
that all being said, i have some hope that maybe this incident will improve the relationship she has with her father, she will see that he really does love her, and maybe (hopefully) she'll even develop a decent relationship with Ellen. i don't want her and her father to keep misunderstanding eachother, and i don't want her to become a villain.

My heart broke when I saw hinata face when he saw his childhood friend kissing that other dude. It made me want to cry. What made it worse was his friend wasn’t even remorse when he was caught. Seeing hinata cry just made me want to hold him and tell them sweetie there’s someone much better out there for you then this hoe.

Am really really happy that Norman is the one doing this but something is off. First how did he get away from that place he was took to. There where to many demons there and he was being watched 24/7. Second he looks to old. He was 12 when he was sent away to that other place to be watch. Only two years has passed since they left the farm. So he should be 14 at most 15. He looks like he’s all grown up. That is a little off to me. I think there only two reasons this could happen one time travel or the demons did something to the real Norman. Or I can be wrong and it’s the real Norman.

if I was that boy and my parents ask me for help when all my life they told me that I was useless and now they needed my help I would have told them no and said now you need me when you all ways told me that I was all ways useless and you did not need me but look at you now. You need me but am don't need you so bye am leaving the house see you later and good luck with your problems.
I know it's harsh but man look at what they said to that boy and look at the dad.
What if they swap souls instead of two souls and one body. What have Yu is Mika and Mika is Yu. Hear me out what if when Yu took Mike soul there souls were swapped. If not bad it’s them have half of each other’s souls. I don’t know I just refused to accept that there one in the same. I have loved them together for nearly 10 years and I refuse to not have this ship not work out.