wait, if Jian Yi is in high school while zhan zhengxi is in university, then how come they are going to the same school along with he tian? does that mean right now is a moment in the past?
I think this timeline post will help clear things up for you. I know because it helped me big time!
4 http://alliandoalice.tumblr.com/post/129187300952/timeline-19-days
"I want to see you right now."
Am i delusional or this sounds like a love confession?
Melts my heart.
I think he said that because (two possibilities):
1. it's a love confession (unlikely)
2. he knows Jian Yi is super worried and feeling super guilty, so he wants to comfort him
In both cases... : It means Zhan Xi Xi loves Jian Yi a lot xd
or number 3 . he already knows yi is hiding something bc he never rly said what happend after xixi lost consious. and he is damn worried of how yi feel , mby he even is afraid yi is feeling guilty bc xixi got hurt.
All the hardcore yaoi fan girls already saw the ship sailing before it even went on sea.
i'm so ashamed how did you know