I have a few questions
Why is the Butler involved with sexual relationship with norihiko?
Why was the butler also involved with sexual relationship with Norihiko's mother?
Why did the father lock Ranzou up?
The butler is Norihiko and the younger son Ikurou, and I dont really understand that relationship either. Norihiko said that he wanted to witness Ikurou's broken self and thats how it started; Ikurou was real young and felt abandoned by his family so he probably went along with it to feel needed. And I think the father locked Ranzou up because he wanted to do sexual things to him, but Ranzou is also special needs which could also be a reason why he did it.
The main story was sad. I enjoy how at one point in the story, the readers almost believed that the lovers would flee together and live happily ever after, but then soon after everything turns sour. Truly dark and truly sad. Enjoyable nonetheless.