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Doven created a topic of Okaeri Alice

The art style was so pretty, so I wish I liked the story. But im sorry, i really didnt. I think i understand the message the author was trying to make, but instead it came off as a little disturbing. I had to stop reading halfway through because I got so uncomfortable. Not because of the plot, but because of how the characters were acting. I think all three of them need some help. First of all they were being so mean to each other. It was super toxic. And all three of them were playing with each other’s feelings. It might be a translation issue, but with how much kei was pushing themself on yo in the beginning. I think it was ment to be that way. The way the auther was talking about sexual feelings was also kind of out of line. It might of been that way on purpose, to get a more dramatic feel. Idk probably should of read the whole book before I said my opinion, but i really didn’t want to read anymore.