What with all the google img links below...
PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT ARTIST/ORIGINS (as I mentioned,this was just googled)

I know who the artist is ^.^ https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=3245068

From prices to reactions to some of the dialogue of this piece is too similar to ignore from "Akanai Tobira-- It's Lonely when You're Cold" (Link at end). Same dialogue but completely different feelings due to the setup of the "yakuza" nature. Loved both!
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/akanai_tobira/mf/v01/c005/36/ and
the backstory. My heart hurts, i can't handle
Utterly tragic, but looks like it will be an engaging crime drama. The emotion of the man was conveyed well in the final chapter.