I really really REALLY love this story, at the same time I really hate this- the art is muah~ chefs kiss. Character design, plot all that fun jazz is super interesting and original! But the fact that Makoto(?) basically got raped by that MONSTER COCK like holy shit- when he didn't want to either I- and then he continued to work at the brothel serving other demons and was even told things weren't gonna get hella worse- did not sit well with me at allll, though they are in hell, so ofc its not all rainbows and unicorns..idk, it just kept bugging me while doing homework making me come back to write this comment lmao
I also realize that everything is happening for a reason and what not, I just keep thinking back to those scenes thinking damn-
can't wait to see Makoto surpass J eventually though for sure
anyways thanks for coming to my therapy session, ima go be productive for once

I havent read this in a while but yeah, I agree that it's certainly horrific and it's disgusting actually but the bunny-like person was coerced by J also, right? (I think?) and J,, yeah. J's a dick is what Im saying. That's my point but also??? Since theyre in hell, they have different moral codes and it might be J's method to like turn Makoto into someone stronger than him, by exposing him throught trials and tribulations??? *barf* cant believe i said that and Makoto was the one that wanted to go to hell in the first place so it's like J's rooting for him or sumn. and by now, you realize i dont know proper phrasing anymore., covid got my grammar, my sanity, and logic. That is all.
just trying to see it on that bunny's perspective, sowee. Peace also.

I know it's been weeks- but yes I totally get what your saying, I think Makoto didn't really want to be a demon in the first place though. Pretty sure Makoto is kinda saying "fuck it, if we're already here we might as well be number one"(?)since J was basically like "yOuR tOp GrAdE dEmOn MaTeRiAl" or whatnot and just plucked Makoto's soul forcing him to be there in hell to undergo this 'training'. I guess J has done this before to other people who didn't necessarily want to be there either due to all the hinting of everyone hoping Makoto won't go 'insane like the others'. Also, idk if the bunny dude you were talking about was the one demon with the fur coat that ended up doing that to Makoto and they wanted to be friends afterwards and all that fun jazz blah blah blah...But if so- I'm pretty sure your correct about J coercing him, or at least ordering the fur coat dude due to the whole rankings in between demons. so, yes, J is totally an asshole, we been knew lol. so yeah..Morals are definitely different in hell. Their realtionship (J and Makoto) is not normal what so ever either, at this point I'm just gonna go with the flow and hope that this story doesn't bother me so much that I end up dropping it
I am totally with you when you say covids getting to you lmao I've had to look over this like 3 times because of how late it is and how bad I am, at just, do, word..ing... anyways, if you red this ty- ima sleep now, bye bye :D
I'm crying ( ´༎ㅂ༎`)
the character development, the mommy-daughter meet, and the refreshing adorableness of father-daughter love back and running again *sob
also the amount of dilfs/milfs I've come across this entire story is crazy like does anybody need a dog I can bark pretty well if I do say so myself-