OH MAH GOSH THIS WAS AMAZING AND I CANT EVEN LIEK I WANNA CRY TEARS OF JOY?!? BINGE READ THIS ALL IN ONE DAY/NIGHT AND I CANT WAIT FOR SEASON 2 EEEEEE ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ the character development and sexual tension later on was my favorite, slow burns and seeing characters fall slowly in love or just enemies to lovers is what I live for ^^

Mermaid melody sequel sucks. Like what was the author even thinking?!? Actually was he even thinking cause it lacks any imaginative thinking or ideas. No creativity. It feels like the author is basically re using Lucias and Kaitos story with Rukia. Like the plot and stories are just too similar. Author really said copy paste copy paste . If i didn't know any better I would have thought rukia is Lucias TWIN and not her daughter!?! And it's just so obvious that rukia is gonna end up with surfer dude just like her mom. Too similar!! This shouldn't have been a sequel smh. This should have been called "Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Parallel Pitch"
NEW CHARACTERS UNLOCKED YAYYAYAYAY this just cheered me up a lil ;(