so the manga im looking for is a manga that had multiple stories in it. i read it a couple years ago and the only thing i remember is that at the end of one story the two guys (i believe they were around middle school aged) sitting on the steps of a temple and they confessed their love or something like that??? it was a bl manga and i think there was some implied switching or actually switching. also one of the guys reminded me of harry potter because he had round glasses and messy hair. any ideas??
she had 6 brothers but by the end there was only 5..........what happen to hm
He probaly doesn’t love with them
He probaly doesn’t Live with then
lmao I read this as "He probably doesn't love them" XD I know now what you were saying but reading it the first time was hilarious.
Yeah, autocorrect hates me( ̄∇ ̄")
Actually she only have 5 brothers...they put wrong translation on chapter 1 page 21..the first one is the father and then the 5 brothers..sorry if my english is bad