This is so fast, I really did not expect for this to be finished in just 50 chapter. I only found about this manhwa completion from tiktok cuz like bruh i feel like there's so much more that could happened but then again I'm glad that it's not too drag out. It's a pity it ended but this was a nice read.

I really like this story, hayeon is such a great girl and her mother is so gentle. I can't believe how easily her mother accept her divorce most of the ones I've seen would probably yelled at their daughter or smthin. Other than that, Bruhhh I thought that they were going to divorce in the first chapter but I had to wait until chapter 57, I read this just for this stupid miscommunication.

I must say I really like this manga, a good amount of people in this comment section said that this manga is an actual fucking roller-coaster which is so true but I hope that people won't shy away from reading this manga cuz it's painful but it's so fucking interesting to me that is. Yknow this manga is like one of the first manga where I cannot stop reading and had to finished it the same day I started reading it. Majority of the manga that I read, I had to paused maybe cuz I'm bored or it's to cringy but this story (for me lol) is keeping me in my seat not letting me get up. Of course it's fine to stop reading if you can't handle the emotional pain but don't be afraid to give it a try. There's like a r scene not a scene just a small panel.
What's people fighting about? Anyway I'm happy that she's able to move on, I need a seung-min so that I can hug him and tell him he's an amazing individual.