DAISY_CHAIN May 18, 2021 10:48 pm

I find it really annoying when people try to kiss others while they're asleep, you wouldn't do it if theyre awake (because they'll most likely slap you) so why do it when they're defenseless? It's only cute when they're dating or a little kid kisses their parent or something, apart from that it's just creepy.

I remember liking this when it came out now I just dk anymore it's getting kinda boring, this new drama is just unnecessary

CHILE_ANYWAY_NO August 22, 2024 10:11 pm

Honestly he's a horrible man and I'm surprised that he doesn't have an STD (he's basically a man-whore). Does he really like her or is it just lust? I think she's right about her definition of like not being the same as his. Also, was it really necessary to make them have such a big age gap? The story would've been nicer if he was around the same age as her or (even better) if she was older. She's, what, 15? 16? And he's nearing 30... She's not an adult, let alone able to give consent, and man was touching her up it made me go "eh?" and honestly I felt a bit uncomfortable. Idk what was going through the author's head when they created the characters. I would've been fine if she was in her early 20s because then she would be able to think about her feelings more rationally.

He's a paedophile. Let's stop romanticising paedophilia. We’re all better than this.

DAISY_CHAIN April 9, 2021 12:06 am

I seriously need to rant about the ML after re-reading this.
Firstly, no one is forcing him to look after her? "It's off when she's around", "it feels like she's a kid I can't leave alone," then leave her alone. He's the one who keeps approaching her, if she's so annoying then why doesn't he just ignore her? And I also hate the way he broke up with his girlfriend, she was excited to see him and he just casually broke up with her on the spot because he thought that they were just wasting time. Doubt that he even thought about her feelings. Honestly I was so annoyed when he talked shit about the FL to his friend on the roof top, just say that you don't like her. Done. And if you don't like her then stop making her misunderstand.

The FL isnt an idiot. If a guy offers you his hand and shows signs that he might like you then ofc it's going to make your heart flutter, especially after your friends say stuff like "he might like you." She's a teenager. Yeah she was a bit annoying when she liked her teacher, but after realising that he had a gf she didn't approach him anymore because she respects his relationship.

The ML's attitude annoys me, and his friend annoys me as well. Shoujo manga isn't supposed to be deep but dang at least give us decent male characters who don't treat relationships like pot noodles/instant noodles that you buy when it's convenient, spend 4 minutes cooking, eat it up and when you become full you throw it away.

    kimochidexu April 9, 2021 12:12 am

    Yes maam preach

    DAISY_CHAIN April 9, 2021 12:13 am
    Yes maam preach kimochidexu

    Dang I wrote a whole damn speech, some guys just get on my nerves and he's one of them

    Jenn May 6, 2021 4:31 am

    Didnt mean to dislike I agree 100%

    yanderebfsupremacy May 11, 2021 4:07 pm

    YUPP yabuki slander is and always will be valid

    kookie May 26, 2021 5:22 pm

    read the new chapters lmaoao

    DAISY_CHAIN May 26, 2021 5:45 pm
    read the new chapters lmaoao kookie

    He's still a dick

    DAISY_CHAIN May 26, 2021 5:46 pm
    read the new chapters lmaoao kookie

    I added 1 emoji and my comment stopped midway but "guy talk" my ass and he's immature af, I don't get why she likes him but that's just my view and ik that some ppl like guys like him but mmmm I'm not convinced

    kookie May 27, 2021 2:37 am
    He's still a dick DAISY_CHAIN

    how is he a dick he explained it to her that he wasnt telling the truth

    kookie May 27, 2021 2:42 am
    He's still a dick DAISY_CHAIN

    go read ao haru ride . now thats the definition of dick ml

    DAISY_CHAIN May 27, 2021 3:38 pm
    go read ao haru ride . now thats the definition of dick ml kookie

    Kou makes me mad as well they're both dicks they can be dick buddies

DAISY_CHAIN April 9, 2021 12:24 pm

I read a spoiler, apparently Dion doesn't love Roxanna. He's desensitised to everything and only her tears make him feel "alive" in a way. Basically because of his upbringing no one really cares about him, he does everything he's ordered to do (by their father) even if it's killing but it's really weird because no matter what he does he's not loved. But when he killed Roxanna's brother (it was either him or Roxanna who killed ashil I forgot) he saw her cry and it hit him. "She's crying because of me," something twisted like that. He felt something and that's the only time he's felt emotion. He felt alive because his existence has affected someone.

So does he love Roxanna? No, but he does want her to acknowledge him even if it's hatred that she feels for him. He's a very complex character and his shitty parents really made him the twisted guy we see him as. He wants to see her cry because it's the only time he feels like he feels something other than "wow Dion you're a great son because you killed blah blah you're a great Agriche". The reason why he tried to kill Roxanna's mum by flinging that monster in her direction was because he wanted to create a lasting impression on Roxanna so he's never forgotten, so his existence was worth it. And he wants to experience that feeling of "living" that's why he keeps saying that he wants to see her cry. He DOES NOT love his half-sister, it's hard to explain but he doesn't want to kiss her he just wants to leave a lasting impression on the first person who's managed to evoke emotion out of him.

You might think "but he's made so many other people cry other than Roxanna so why's he fixated on her? He definitely loves her." I think it's partly to do with how they both have the same dad, grew up with the same 'education' yet she's still managed to keep a small part of her human aspect. Roxanna isn't a killer like the others, and she still experienced emotions and Dion has recognised that she's still managed to keep her "Human side" and that's interesting to him? Idk how to say it but her human side makes his human side come out.

I made a comment a month ish ago saying "I wish they weren't siblings because they're both hot" but now I don't see them in that way. They're both twisted, like Roxanna says they're both going to Hell lol. Their parents are shit, especially Dion's mum she doesn't give a fuck about him no matter how brilliant of an Agriche he is and honestly I think it's because of her that he's so messed up in the head she's a really bad mum. He's just a broken character when you delve deeper into his back story.

I kinda pity him really yeah he's disgusting but I really hope he gets redemption.

That was a long comment and I said "something" way too many times but you can get the gist of what I'm trying to say. It's all very psychological and I think that the twisted personalities of each Agriche makes this Manhua a really great read.

DAISY_CHAIN February 9, 2021 4:56 pm

Guess I'm a Hades stan now

    Jenn February 9, 2021 4:57 pm

    Oh shit did not mean to dislike sorry lol

    Cataku February 9, 2021 5:21 pm

    I deadass left this tab open for a few hours, came back, and was genuinely confused why someone decided to talk about their journey to Satanism in the comments

    ERROR February 9, 2021 7:46 pm
    I deadass left this tab open for a few hours, came back, and was genuinely confused why someone decided to talk about their journey to Satanism in the comments Cataku


    Cat lady February 9, 2021 7:51 pm
    I deadass left this tab open for a few hours, came back, and was genuinely confused why someone decided to talk about their journey to Satanism in the comments Cataku

    Me too, i just got back from watching CAOS and left confused why everyone so into this satanism i literally forgot ml's name is Hades

DAISY_CHAIN December 14, 2020 7:10 pm

Get yourself a man who skips the dating part and goes all the way to proposing

    Megumikawaii December 16, 2020 8:36 am

    The question is where do I get that kind of man

    Cherry December 18, 2020 11:18 pm
    The question is where do I get that kind of man Megumikawaii

    No the question is do uh really want a man like that?

    DAISY_CHAIN December 19, 2020 10:17 am
    No the question is do uh really want a man like that? Cherry

    If your man is actually like that then you should probably run lol

    Cherry December 19, 2020 12:13 pm
    If your man is actually like that then you should probably run lol DAISY_CHAIN

    TRUE!!! Ψ(≧ω≦)Ψ

    WinnyQueen January 4, 2021 12:14 pm

    In my country in Mali it is common though my bf propose to me and we are dating with mariage in mind.

    Cherry January 4, 2021 1:27 pm
    In my country in Mali it is common though my bf propose to me and we are dating with mariage in mind. WinnyQueen

    No nooo isn't that different tho? U were dating atleast but look at them

    WinnyQueen January 4, 2021 2:10 pm
    No nooo isn't that different tho? U were dating atleast but look at them Cherry

    There are many cases which they dont date they have engagement and a few months after they married. It is normal in the west Africa especially in my country Mali

    Megumikawaii January 5, 2021 8:46 am
    There are many cases which they dont date they have engagement and a few months after they married. It is normal in the west Africa especially in my country Mali WinnyQueen

    Yeah it's also quite common here in my country. Some people just meet the female's parents and if they accepted the male.. They'll proceed with engagement and marriage

    Haikazmeaw January 6, 2021 12:25 am
    Yeah it's also quite common here in my country. Some people just meet the female's parents and if they accepted the male.. They'll proceed with engagement and marriage Megumikawaii

    Samee quite common here. my friends sister got married this way

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