Jodes711 June 21, 2020 12:44 pm

Is this any good? I read first chapter It reminds of Kengai Princess and Kimi ni Todoke.

Jodes711 June 20, 2020 6:26 am

Always feels like your holding your breath when you read a monthly skip neat chapter, like breathing is going to make you miss some hidden message or small comment? Just me?

Jodes711 June 18, 2020 8:47 am

I feel like its abit corny. I mean it's a nice thought but its unrealistic, dating 5 freaking years even live together and never have sex? Sex is the ultimate expression of love how can u not?

    hataki June 18, 2020 4:29 pm

    like, even if not sex, god, some foreplay should be going on.

    mots May 10, 2021 11:23 am

    hmm i dont agree with you on the "sex is the ultimate expression of love"people can have sex without feeling any love just for the pleasure and also assexual people exists

    Jodes711 May 10, 2021 11:56 am
    hmm i dont agree with you on the "sex is the ultimate expression of love"people can have sex without feeling any love just for the pleasure and also assexual people exists mots

    Well yeah ok with asexual people... but in this story they have love for each other. People do indeed have sex without love...which is always animalistic and never as good as is with love.

Jodes711 June 17, 2020 1:29 pm

Anyone else get really nervous when u first saw Kate?

    aiza June 17, 2020 1:46 pm

    im v worried lol

    aki_kolpii June 17, 2020 1:54 pm

    Whyyy? What would happen? Spoil me please

    Jodes711 June 17, 2020 3:09 pm
    Whyyy? What would happen? Spoil me please aki_kolpii

    I dont have spoilers, was just my gut, I think she will fall for her husband. I dont know how he will respond

    B WENDY June 17, 2020 3:10 pm

    I was nervous because I thought she may be coming for Hue....but then I'm glad she is getting along with Lucia

    aiza June 17, 2020 9:10 pm

    i'm still skeptical though, can't be less paranoid about this yet lol

    Jodes711 June 17, 2020 9:17 pm
    i'm still skeptical though, can't be less paranoid about this yet lol aiza

    I read so many mangas. This is usually the development... but maybe it's different? I hope it is.

Jodes711 June 16, 2020 11:49 pm

So like I'm bit confused at the end...


Can someone tell me how she eneded up in that water. She stopped her from remembering? Did she jump?

    mira June 17, 2020 1:53 am

    I think it implied that she jumped off into the water as a suicidal attempt after getting rejected by Go Hana

Jodes711 June 13, 2020 6:19 pm

I read this "update" on this illegal site. Oh I feel quite guilty

    SaltySourPatch June 14, 2020 5:55 pm

    Wait this whole time I've been reading manga on illegal sites oh..

Jodes711 June 9, 2020 1:45 pm

"The triangle for pure love ends here" ummm what???? Pure love???? So.... he writes a book Domestic no Kanojo

Jodes711 June 8, 2020 6:58 pm

Guys seriously how did it get 7.7??

    Yameteeee June 8, 2020 9:21 pm

    The rating before was high, it's slowly getting lower.

    Blk June 8, 2020 9:28 pm
    The rating before was high, it's slowly getting lower. Yameteeee

    Lol let's see if we can get it to 0 stars by the end of this week

    Yameteeee June 8, 2020 9:33 pm
    Lol let's see if we can get it to 0 stars by the end of this week Blk

    I hope we can.

    lilmsotaku23 June 8, 2020 9:39 pm
    I hope we can. Yameteeee

    Rate it at myanimelist too. Thats the most legal way we can pour our hate, by rating.

    I don't like how Sasuga is being bullied online since it is still inhumane, so lets just rate her work in mangasites and animesite which you deemed appropriate.

    Yameteeee June 8, 2020 9:46 pm
    Rate it at myanimelist too. Thats the most legal way we can pour our hate, by rating. I don't like how Sasuga is being bullied online since it is still inhumane, so lets just rate her work in mangasites and ani... lilmsotaku23

    Bullying the author is inhumane, but if the readers got an ending like this after investing their time reading this shit, then they have all the rights to do so. The author is inhumane by creating an ending like this. But then again, let's deal with this in a peaceful way.

    lilmsotaku23 June 8, 2020 9:50 pm
    Bullying the author is inhumane, but if the readers got an ending like this after investing their time reading this shit, then they have all the rights to do so. The author is inhumane by creating an ending lik... Yameteeee

    Thats why i kept on ranting at discord and reddit since they cancelled their wedding.

    Also while ranting, I saw the spoilers too. So i won't read 276 anymore. I was shocked that the two extra chapters came out before 276.

    There's a rumour too that aside from Sasuga's afterword explaining how the end came to be, that there will be another extra chapter for the trash couple.

    Yameteeee June 8, 2020 10:04 pm
    Thats why i kept on ranting at discord and reddit since they cancelled their wedding. Also while ranting, I saw the spoilers too. So i won't read 276 anymore. I was shocked that the two extra chapters came out ... lilmsotaku23

    Oh, so the extra chapters came first. Lol, it's like the author is saving her work from dying by explaining why we got a shitty ending. Lmao, No you CAN'T.

    Yameteeee June 8, 2020 10:05 pm
    Thats why i kept on ranting at discord and reddit since they cancelled their wedding. Also while ranting, I saw the spoilers too. So i won't read 276 anymore. I was shocked that the two extra chapters came out ... lilmsotaku23

    What was the spoiler for 276? Hina and Natsuo finally a family with their own child? Lmao dont even.

    lilmsotaku23 June 8, 2020 10:12 pm
    What was the spoiler for 276? Hina and Natsuo finally a family with their own child? Lmao dont even. Yameteeee

    For 276, from what I've read......

    It took Hina 6 mos to speak again, 3 yrs to walk. Then of course they got married, yes there was a Hina pic in a wedding gown and them kissing outside the church or hotel being cheered by their people. All 4 were living together then comes 276.2

    Yeah, if an Author needs to explain why the story turned out like that, that just means a lot of people didn't like how it ended.

    Yameteeee June 8, 2020 10:17 pm
    For 276, from what I've read......It took Hina 6 mos to speak again, 3 yrs to walk. Then of course they got married, yes there was a Hina pic in a wedding gown and them kissing outside the church or hotel being... lilmsotaku23

    Another WTF people cheering them on. Unrealistic.

    Jodes711 June 9, 2020 12:05 am

    Its just so embarrassing, his feeling for Rui were so half hearted and shallow, what a prick! But you know I dont know why I keep reading it, it's like I hate it so much but I still torture myself, why?

    Yameteeee June 9, 2020 12:14 am
    Its just so embarrassing, his feeling for Rui were so half hearted and shallow, what a prick! But you know I dont know why I keep reading it, it's like I hate it so much but I still torture myself, why? Jodes711

    Same, because we want to see how this ends. Not for Hina and Natsui but for Rui and Haruka.

Jodes711 June 8, 2020 6:13 pm

What the hell even is this????? So quite abit of time has gone by, why the fu&k is Rui living with them, how can she, she basically let Hina have him. He doesnt love her, you can see it's so forced and done out of pity. The author just wanted to let all the ships be happy, he basically ended up with both of them

Jodes711 June 6, 2020 7:41 pm

It's really good... anyone else get really freaked out when reading this????

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