both of them are so smart omg, aria said to mielle when she asked her when will she came back and aria replied with late at night or smth and everyone heard that so that will throw the suspicion to mielle as nobody saw aria coming back. aria wants the date recorded and such as a proof that she didn't come back at the house at all. for the bracelet, i'm sure mielle will point that out, asher will give another bracelet to aria that looks similar to that.

truee, but i have a feeling that mielle was the one who suggests that she push her father off, mielle wants to please isis to marry oliver(is that his name?? i forgot lol). if it was isis, she would probably suggest pushing aria off rather than the duke as there will be no other witnesses other than mielle and aria. if mielle starts confessing she will admit she was working with isis and that will put isis in a tight spot so I think mielle came up with that plan.
x x lil spoiler x x
mielle will be found guilty after the third trial with aria as she starts being hysterical, blaming aria for pushing her father, and seeing asher appear out of nowhere, and then disappearing with aria. the judge and a lot of people suspected she was under the influence or smth. her father did not die, from the spoilers he was unable to talk and walk I just don't know if that was permanent or temporary.

from what i remember about him in the spoilers is that he is fucking crazy, an absolute psychopath. he is a killer before turning into a 'wing', before he started killing people he has an unquenchable thirst to cause destruction, when he killed for the first time he felt satisfied and he wanted to feel that sensation again thus him being a mercenary to find more to kill.
he is fake, he got 'blessed' by the god of destruction to be a wing. now he doesn't care less about being Josephine's 2nd wing but being her wing does have an advantage with him being addicted to killing.
as we all know by now that some of the wings of Josephine are fake, out of 9 wings that Josephine have only 4 are real. Noelle, Ahuin, Callisto and, Kylas are the real wings. Noelle and Callisto actually is the only wings that knew that Josephine is fake. Callisto is the first 'wing' of Josephine and he doesn't have a choice in joining :(( he was so excited to serve the saintess despite being the prince (the empire and church???) doesn't have a good history0 but when he met Josephine he recoiled knowing she is fake but his father abused him and much more to serve Josephine to use him to build a connection with the church.
tenua, as we know, is a psychopath who wants to hurt mc, as seen in the last chapter scene there was a sandstorm he was the cause of it. he did that to act as a distraction from the other knights to come close to the mc to hurt her. of course now, mc is fighting back with a little help from the bracelet (her powers) but it isn't enough as she isn't completely awakened as a saintess, banessa stepped in to help her. banessa is the red hair knight, now some of you were quite annoyed that he has so much narration and calling it a filler chapter :// the reason why he has much more than the average narration is because he is the mc 3rd wing. after he noticed that mc got injured from her fight with tenua, he got furious and nearly died fighting tenua which is the cause of awakening the power of his wings.

ahuin power as of now is gone temporarily, it disappeared in that chapter when he was trying to release the scorpio(?). I still haven't read that far in terms of who is stronger than the two but despite noelle being mc first wing i do think that callisto is slightly stronger than her as callisto is the first wing of josephine despite being force, he went through training and stuff to fit the title the first wing, and for sure his father made sure he won't 'embarrassed him or smth :((

stop saying his monologue is just filler, banessa is a very important character. if some are impatient to wait for the new chapters then just read the novel, everything is going according to the novel. if the artist skipped some 'filler' scene, it can cause misunderstanding and interrupt the flow of the story

no sadly as the novel kept being deleted in wattpad, but here is the link to the forum, there is many spoilers here and some are explaining the novel.
link: https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/a-way-to-protect-you-sweetheart-%EB%8B%A4%EC%A0%95%ED%95%9C-%EA%B7%B8%EB%8C%80%EB%A5%BC-%EC%A7%80%ED%82%A4%EB%8A%94-%EB%B0%A9%EB%B2%95.122269/
i just know that azazel was the one who is calling the women to dan’s room whenever he invites eve HAHAHAHAHAHHAA